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May 17, 2009 20:05

Character: Sohma Momiji
Series: Fruits Basket
Character Age: 15
Canon: Have you ever thought that, man, wouldn’t it be TOTALLY AWESOME if you could turn yourself into a fuzzy little animal? Sounds super cool, right? WRONG. For the zodiac possessed members of the Sohma family, prancing around as fuzzy little animals isn’t just
something that happens when they try to have sex in a strange zombie camp; it’s something they have to live with in everyday life. Merely coming in contact with the opposite gender, or even physical strain and weakness is all it takes. This alone is enough to make anyone feel
like a freak, but being abandoned by parents and told by your God on a regular basis that you're unwanted are like the cherry on top of the metaphorical trauma sundae.

The one possessed by the spirit of the rabbit, Sohma Momiji is a half German-half Japanese teen with a an upbeat attitude and hopeful outlook on the future. Although he is perhaps the cheeriest member of the Sohma clan, it doesn‘t mean that he is without a dark place inside
of him; looking pretty and crawling in your skin are prerequisites for being a Sohma. Yet, despite the curse, he continues on trying to be as happy as he can; like a trooper. Acting younger than his age, dressing in frilly clothes and speaking in a sing-song manner, you would never expect that he has moments of wisdom and maturity that rival the actual adults of the series.

Sample Post:
Guten Tag~! I am Momiji Sohma, checking in here at 'Camp Fantastic Journey Deluxe For You And Me'. Ehe, I didn't like your old name, so I changed it. I needed to add some letters and take others away, but I think it is much better like this. Don't you think so too? The old name wasn't any good, which is probably why the Director is so unhappy. After all, who would want to work at a place with such a depressing name? Not me, that's for sure! I'm sure that person will be in a much better mood now that I've given this place such a nice name.

I'm very excited to meet everybody and I want this to be a great time for us all. Let's make it our goal for this to be the best camping trip possible! I’m looking forward to the hiking trips, campfire songs, arts and crafts, as well as the time spent getting to know everyone here. Although the only person I’ve seen so far was looking a little scaly and the only song I’ve heard was a strange sort of moaning and groaning coming from the ceiling. This must be a themed camp then , right? I guess the warnings about the lake should have given it away! I’m even more excited now!

Ehe, that being said, I was hoping you could help me with the very important task of finding the rest of my group. Some of the other Sohma family members should have arrived too. As for what they look like…hmmmm. They’re all very attractive and most of them look like they need to loosen up a little! Nein danke! You don’t have to loosen them up for me, but thanks for offering; I’m working on that myself. Keeping it in the family? I suppose its something like that! Isn’t it normal for family to want to help out family? Really though, I don't
need a hand, so you should probably keep yours to yourself. And that leg too. Maybe you should look into getting a better costume if yours is always falling apart like this. Don’t worry, I’ll help you pick out something really good! You’ll be the prettiest mascot of them all! Well, as pretty as a stinky corpse can be.

So no one here knows them here? That’s alright, I guess I’ll just have to look around a little more. I doubt I’ll get bored, there’s a lot to look at and I’m feeling hungry anyways. I guess I’ll start with the mess hall then~! The brochure said that this place is well-known for what it does with chicken. Ne ne, by the way, you might want to get someone to check the spelling next time though; they spelt ‘chicken’ wrong.

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