Aug 09, 2010 16:23
Honestly, I find searching for a good LiveJournal layout so annoying sometimes. The layouts which I choose always look good in their preview pages and screenshots, but when their stylesheet gets applied on my journal, all hell breaks loose. So it's true that every layout has its ugly side. It's pretty horrible because if I don't make major modifications to the CSS, I'll end up having a train-wreck of a journal, with ads covering my entries, utterly revolting comment pages, misaligned headers & footers... need I mention more? It's dawned on me that something will always go wrong when I change my layout. And it isn't until after I modify it to a ridiculous extent will I then be satisfied with the layout I chose.
However, I've been convinced that there will be no layout that can possibly conform to my demands, probably because I'm such a particular LiveJournal user. I insist on activating customised comment pages when most users can already make do with the basic comment pages (which don't look very nice, in my opinion). I would rather show the control strip, too, but I just can't stand the standard design of the strip. I like my blogging space to be 500 pixels wide every time, nothing more, nothing less. And I would rather stick to a layout with a few colours instead of one with random colours appearing as completely foreign hex codes in its stylesheet. Damn, I wish I wasn't such a perfectionist all the time.
I guess the best solution to this problem that will persist is making my own layouts. Or rather, continuing my job of extreme modification. I'm currently using my own creation now, because personally, I think that it's perfect. And I very much hope that my perfectionism can benefit others, too. I wonder if any user has modified my layouts greatly after applying them on their journals. Hmm...