my what a lovely bunch of coconuts!

Nov 13, 2007 23:10

least relevant heading ever.
today was one of the nicest days i can remember having in a while.
got the garlic planted and went off with a bag full of yummy fresh carrots and a really good squash, not to mention a couple leaves of kale.
walked up to the bus stop in my muck boots and waited for the bus. before it came natalie drove by and we ended up meeting marco and little john and another guy whose name i don't know at that old quarry on the road going past the highschool. there is this super weird place that is like a walled off frame of cement deals with this crazy cracked spongy soil in it. i'm sure that made no sense at all, i'll have to take a pic of it or see if marco can send me the one on his phone. staring at it i felt like i was tripping out on a tile floor on mushrooms. at least i did after nat said that.
went with nat to kick it with tony and nicole. hadn't gotten stoned since last wednesday, so i wasn't sure if i should take a toke before my playdate. i flipped a coin and it said yes, so i toked it out of a hookah in their bathroom. just one tho, which worked out smashingly well. kicked those butterflies right outta my stomach. played some guitar while we hung out with the new baby. that was definitely something i needed to do to get grounded.
my e-crush, angie, texted me on my cel phone. too weird. first time i ever conversed in such a manner. pretty silly, really.
so we ended up meeting at ober and wandering around the town for a bit. the crazy mutton-chopped guy uptown congratulated me on the pretty lady. i didn't know if i should say thanks of what, so i just agreed with him. it was a pretty silly situation.
we walked past old and funky and i told her some of the story of dumpingtons.
saw adelaar and larissa and indika at chevsies. it was kinda weird but all good. got to hold the sqwuidgit for a sec, and that's always worthwhile. she's still pretty much the cutest baby ever. i have a feeling that if anyone is ever gonna be able to hold those two crazies accountable it's gonna be that kid. not that i have any right to judge anyone of anything, but whatevs.
wandered into the bike shop, talked to jeff for a bit. we decided there aren't really any hot spots on vashon, just chill zones. then talked to cinnamon when she came in. she asked "are you two" and then did the whole back and forth pointing thing. that was awkward. "we're just wandering around," was the reply we gave. then she asked me to buy her beer. so of course i did, being the enabler that i am.
ran into the big c himself, mister christopher connel. he was ragin' the dirlip like nobody's business. we high-fived and talked about the craziness at jean's, i confirmed, denied and ultimately clarified the gossip.
we journeyed onward and decided there wasn't much more to see in the neighborhood, so we ventured toward automobiledom and headed to fisher pond as the sun was setting. we had just enough light to make it to the picnic table. stared out over the pond and talked about our lives and our dreams and all that kind of silly stuff. i told her about the time rayanne and i came over to camp out at the pond and were scared off by what we stonedly assumed was bill fisher's ghost, biking out of there in the dark with just rayanne's headlamp and heading all the way back to west seattle, only to have to come back the next day for her expensive sandals.
then angie whipped out her own headlamp and we ventured onward.
hit up t-way for a few fixins and headed back to her place to throw some dinner together. cooked some potatoes and squash and some of my carrots up in a pot, then fried up the kale with a few more leaves we'd just bought and some garlic. i ended up having to take the former with me cuz it was time to go home.

tomorrow josh and i are gonna go see bladerunner at the cinerama. you have no idea how much this geeks me out.

thursday if everything comes together will be more vashon adventuring with angie, vince, and neely, who i haven't seen in ages. should be fun times indeed.

could i actually be feeling positive about life for a change? maybe so...
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