i had a super fun day yesterday. last day of school ever, which in itself means pure joy. pranks played involved stealing the teachers' mugs from the staff room and moving the furniture about in there. taking the locks off various toilets. putting signs up telling them they were out of order and should make use of the conservation area. and yara and i snuck into mrs money's office and hung up a flag of che guevara on the flagpole. a defining moment in chs history i feel.
and i'll admit i cried in chemistry because catherine made me. mr fradley bought us champagne for our final lesson which was super nice. final assembly was actually quite touching. i only cried because they played disney. they messed with my emotions. disney brings anyone to tears. yus. anyway, that was when drinking started. pretty much the whole year and a few teachers made it down to the ship. and there was merriment. i started feeling drunk after only my second guiness. oh how i've turned into a lightweight. we gave mr carvill his goodbye present (a flashing bowtie) which looked very spiffy on. mr pattrick was really kind too. i'll actually really miss some of them. definitely mrs sach. but we'll keep in contact fo schizzle, i wanna know how david is doing and everything! heh.
so from the ship, to the peg. and to sausage and mash (y). yum yum yum. and more drinking. and more silliness. then i just felt too drunk to stay in so rachel and i went back to mine for a nap/slob about in front of the tv for an hour or so. as if i would miss neighbours *ahem*
and back to the bay. but rachel didnt feel too good so she went home and i hung out with nathan, elliot and matt. adrian came in for a bit too but then went to edwards like a loser. brooke turned up and i ended up chatting to her most of the night. she is actually one of the funniest people i know. and she's lovely. she too has a sick sense of humour (y). trevor, who incidently happens to be my neighbour's son, is a good mate of hers and is pretty cool too. dan, rob and shaun turned up for a while too but i didnt get to see them much cuz dan had to get his bus at like 11 which was crappy. i got the best message from him last night after he left - "i just tried to steal you this garden ornament bird but it was bolted down and i've only got a screwdriver..."
emily's little gathering tonight, which should be fun. and might hopefully get to see dan when he finishes work if i can get to town early. and my hair is all rough and smelly like stale smoke and beer so i need a bath indeed.
ernesto comes to chelmsford county high school for gays girls...