It's Magically Delicious! (part two)

Oct 24, 2010 00:20

“I haven’t seen Mister Schue all day,” said Artie hiding in the choir room with the rest of New Directions. With all the adults acting like…well…how they acted, the real teenagers decided that hiding in the choir room was the safest bet.

“I knew we shouldn’t have messed with magic,” muttered Sam under his breath.

“I’m kind of scared to go home,” stated Tina bluntly.

And her sentiment was shared with the majority of the other students in William McKinley High. Most people were arranging sleepovers with people whose parents’ were out of town or away. Surprisingly October was a popular time of year for vacations. Kurt was hosting several of the glee girls tonight.

“Come to think of it,” said Rachel thoughtfully, “I haven’t seen Finn all day either.”

“Do you think he’s been captured? I heard Coach Sylvester plotting earlier to capture students and force them to carry her around in one of those things you see in the movies about Ancient Egypt,” said Mike nervously.

“Oh God,” muttered Sam as he buried his head into his hands. Quinn patted Sam consolingly on the shoulder glaring at Puck.

Puck, however, looked delighted as he and Artie looked over the footage that was procured throughout the day. The football player glanced up at the people looking at him.

“Fuck it. I’m not apologizing. This blackmail material is great AND kind of disturbing. But just really, really great.”

“What’s really, really great?” asked Finn as he walked into the room.

“Oh thank God!” cried Rachel as she hugged Finn, “We thought that Coach Sylvester captured you to be made into her student slave.”

“Ooookay,” drawled out Finn as he gently separated his ex-girlfriend from him.

“Seriously? Tell me someone got that plot on video. Because I want a copy,” said Will as he looked thoughtful, “Maybe whip it out when she threatens to go for the school board for whatever I apparently did or whatever you guys did. The shit you all pull I’m surprised that I’m going to Ryerson to smoke up.”

The glee club froze.

Mister Schue leaned in the doorway. A pair of sunglasses perched on his nose with a light smirk on his face. A black, leather motorcycle jacket was opened revealing an old plaid shirt framing a tight white under shirt. A motorcycle helmet was dangled loosely in his long fingers.

A couple of people swallowed rather thickly. Rachel perused her lips at the sight of the teacher in leather.

Will sighed as he glanced around. Finn looked amused as he sprawled out in a chair. A similar helmet held loosely in his hands, not that anyone noticed.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” drawled the teacher dully. Everyone snapped out of their various states of shock. Will smirked as he walked from the doorway and sprawled across the row of chairs. His feet in Finn’s lap, who rolled his eyes and pushed the long legs off of his lap.

“Mister Schue?” asked Mercedes tentatively.

“As far as I know that’s my name,” he stated as he glared at Finn, “I told you we should’ve just snuck into a movie. But noooo you wanted to be all responsible and shit.”

“I let you drive the motorcycle.”

“She’s not the motorcycle. She has a name, Finn.”


“I think that name stops being applicable when you turn thirty.”

“Not when you’re involved in this mind-fuck.”

“Ah,” said Will as he contemplated that, “This is true. Very well. Go on with your name calling.”

“I’m so glad that I have your permission, your Highness.”

“I don’t think I’m royalty. Otherwise I would have peons. And I really don’t want peons.”

“Then what do you want?” asked Finn with his head tilted to the side.

Will hummed under his breath before answering, “Minions.”

Finn laughed, throwing his head back.

The majority glee club looked on the exchange with varying levels of confusion. Puck only rolled eyes and muttered under his breath about how big dorks always ended up together.

Kurt looked on the exchange with growing realization.

So this is where Finn goes.

The resident male diva stood there. He tried to feel jealous, tried to feel hatred at the pair. He tried to feel so many ugly emotions that he would expect to come up in the situation.

Huh. He really was over his crush.

Figgins voice drifted onto the loudspeaker.

“What up, my people? Since I’m totally bored by this shiz-nit. I’m declaring today to be a party day since no one learns shit here anyway. The pizzas are here so let there be music.”

Tinny music drifted from the speakers, Will wrinkled his nose in distaste. The students shifted nervously unsure of what to do.

“Well,” began Puck, “Might as well see if Figgins hired a clown or caved and got some strippers. Besides, free fucking food.”

“I wouldn’t eat the pizza,” said the teacher from his spot. He pulled himself up blinking, “Whoa head rush.”

“Why not?” demanded Puck.

“You know the urban legend about the pizza delivery boy and the fraternity?” asked Will.

“You mean…?” began Puck making a face, “He…? Great now I’m going to be sick. AND I’ll have that mental image in my head until I die.”

“I’m confused,” stated Mike with his brow furrowed.

“Let’s just say what looks like string cheese on the pizza…is not string cheese.”

A dawning realization of horror overtook the group.

“Oh that’s just nasty,” said Artie with a look of revulsion on his face.

“Well,” said Will as he stood up, “Jizz covered pizza aside. I’m bored. So unless a fire breaks out in the next five minutes, I really don’t see any good reason to stay here. I want to catch a movie.”

Will stood and left the room with Finn standing a couple minutes later. The room stared at him.

“What?” demanded the quarterback, “Do you want me to leave him to his own devices? He and Carl keep challenging each other to drag races in the parking lot. And I saw Miss Pillsbury without her top on. Trust me. I’m getting enough mental scarring to last me a long time.”

With that Finn left the room trying to hide a smile.

Brittany looked confused, “So does this mean we don’t have practice today?”

“Who’s up for starting the sleepover early?”

All the girls in the room chorused in agreement. Mercedes saying the one thing that actually made sense out of this crazy, Buffy-esque scenario.

“We’re going to need a lot of cookie dough.”


Finn had never been in a situation where he had to sneak into a movie theatre and make out in the back rows of it.

He found that he enjoyed this situation very much. And when he and Will can go out without the influence of magically spiked baked goods, there was going to be a repeat of the scenario.

Maybe during a showing of Rocky Horror, he heard things got pretty wild during those shows.

Finn buried his hands in Will’s curls and tugged them, eliciting a near silent moan from his boyfriend. Will was half in his chair, half in Finn’s lap. He tasted of icing from their sex-capade that morning and of the Skittles they procured from the movie counter (even though they snuck into the theatre).

Will pulled away, licking and nipping at Finn’s neck. The teenager shuddered in pleasure. Will’s fingers dug into his shirt, pressing against his skin. He was babbling softly in a mixture of Spanish and Italian, the two languages (other than English), he was fluent in.

Finn got more aroused, as he gently nipped at Will’s earlobe.

Will chuckled huskily before palming Finn’s erection. Another hand gentle unbuttoning his jeans before slipping under the waist band.

Finn bit his lip when Will’s fingers gently brushed against his hot member. His jeans grew uncomfortably tight.

“Now you’re going to have to be very quiet,” whispered Will softly as he pressed a kiss to Finn’s neck.

Finn could only nod not trusting himself.

Slowly Will began to stroke his dick with those gloriously long, slightly calloused fingers. Finn could feel the pressure build, as pleasure wracked his body in harshly glorious waves. His hips bucked up from the seat gently as his feet remained planted on the sticky movie theatre floor.

“You’ve been a naughty boy, Mister Hudson,” growled Will softly. His gray-green eyes sparkling in the dim light of the theatre, “And it looks like it’s up to teacher to get you to behave.”

Finn’s body shuddered even more with that promise. Will’s hot breath ghosted in his ear. As one of his talented clever hands stroked him painfully slow, almost reverently.

God, he loved magic.

“Now you need to be completely quiet,” murmured Will almost hypnotically. His eyes were blown fully with lust and desire. Finn nodded as his hips bucked up faster.

“When we get back,” promised the enchanted man, “I am going to get that remaining icing, get on my knees, and suck it off your dick.”

Finn gripped the armrests so hard that he was surprised that they hadn’t broken from the pressure. Will put more pressure and stroked faster as he gently nipped up Finn’s jawline. He pressed a fevered kiss to his lips as Finn practically exploded. His body rocked with a silent orgasm as he came into Will’s waiting hand.

Finn slumped bonelessly into the theatre chair. He cannot believe that he just did that in a movie theatre with his boyfriend. Will used his clean hand to button up Finn’s jeans before meeting Finn’s eyes, taking his dirtied hand, and licking it clean.

The quarterback could only return the favor as the remains of his orgasm sent shivers through his body.

He totally had no idea what happened in that movie.


After the movie, they walked to Will’s motorcycle. Finn didn’t know the full story behind it. Apparently Will had had it since his freshman year of college. He learned every aspect of how to take care and maintain his bike, even learned how to do a couple of tricks on it.

But he had gotten thrown off it his senior year of college and broke his left arm, which was the only major injury. Terri made him promise to sell it.

Will couldn’t bring himself to sell something that he put so much work and care into. He even named the bike, Marilyn after Marilyn Monroe.

So he put in his parent’s garage and went back to tinker around with it every once in a while.

After Will and Terri separated, Will took his bike home and got back to riding.

Finn climbed onto the back of the bike and put his helmet on. His jeans felt uncomfortably scratchy and from the way Will was shifting, Finn knew he was feeling the same way.

“Uncomfortable?” asked the quarterback.

“Bite me,” answered the teacher.


“Promises, promises.”


When they got back to Will’s apartment, they closed the door. Will went to the kitchen, grabbed the leftover icing, and dropped to his knees.

And he did just what he promised to do to Finn.


“The magic’s going to wear off soon,” said Will as they lay side by side on the couch.

“I know,” said Finn as he kissed Will’s curls.

“I’m going to be back to my boring old self.”

“You’re not boring.”

“Oh you’re such a shit! Yes I am.”

“Well I think you’re fascinating,” said Finn as he looked at Will, “There’s so much that I don’t know about you, Will.”

“Oh? Like what?”

“Well your favorite color.”

“It’s purple.”

Finn blinked at Will, “Seriously?”

“It’s eccentric. I harbor a secret desire to be eccentric. But I don’t think I would be very good at it.”

Finn wanted to say with all the white boy rapping that he does kind of made Will eccentric, but kept his mouth shut.

“Why are you so scared to be open with me?”

Will was silent for a couple moments before gently kissing Finn, “Because I’m scared that I’m going to get hurt. Don’t you see how much I love you, nimrod?”

Silence reigned over the room. Will flushed and mumbled.

“I did not mean to say that out loud. I…”

“Did you mean it?”

“Mean what?”

“That thing you said about loving me?”

“Well,” said Will as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah.”

“Alright then,” declared Finn as he pressed a kiss to Will’s lips, “Because I love you too.”

“But what about…?”

Finn shut Will up with another kiss. He rested his forehead against his boyfriend’s.

“We’ll figure out the rest, Will. Now come here so we can cuddle dammit.”

“Cuddle-slut,” teased Will but curled up next to Finn.

“Shut up, nimrod.”


Meanwhile in an old shop that read Magic in curling, fading script, a pretty young woman glanced into a crystal ball. Eve smiled as her eyes flickered to a picture.

It was the William McKinley High School glee club of ninety-four. A decidedly younger Eve with braces and bright red glasses was standing next to a decidedly younger Will Schuester with his wild curly hair and earnest smile.

“May happiness bless you for the rest of your days, Will,” murmured the woman with her red, red lips.

Her plan had totally worked out in the end. You just needed to know when to strike.

pairing: will/finn, fandom: glee, character: will schuester, character: finn hudson

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