
Mar 13, 2021 09:28

Wednesday Lacee figured it out after making a surprise pop-in on one of my broadcasts...I made the grievous mistake of thinking she was flirting with me with what we said in my post that followed the blushing she caused in my stream. On Thursday we spent time discussing how much she actually knew and was supposed to talk later that night but she bolted and kinda left me hangin'. Friday I gave her alot of space then sent her a private stream exposing my heart to her...she came back around and wanted to stay in the friend-zone...but then I fukked up.

I told her about the Valentine's Day gift, and how I hated seeing her depend on others for rides and wanted to help her out, and even considering loaning her money if things got bad enough for her...and she wigged out. Consequently...I'm now blocked by her on facebook. I will respect her wishes and not try using any methods to circumvent her attempts at creating distance. The only question I have now is whether she wishes to pull back completely at work or not. My friends agree with my psycholinguistics analysis that she doesn't mean distance at work...but just outside of work -- but that's hurtful enough as it is.

Fact is this...I think I've been falling in love with Lacee by degrees for a while now. Of course the last 24 hours has been creating a bit of pullback on my part...but it HAS been hurtful to do. So come Monday I don't fukkin know what it will be like and that's nerve-racking. Idk whether she wants to pull all the way back now or whether she still wants to maintain the working friendship.

All I know is that this was like a gut-punch and it hurts like hell.
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