Title: Quiz Me
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairing: Boone, Shannon
Rating: PG-13, only for language
Word Count: ~470
Summary: Boone is a high school senior, Shannon a sophomore. They both have a test tomorrow and are trying to study in the same room.
Disclaimer: I don't own Lost. At all.
Author's Notes: For
janie_tangerine over at
lostsquee, who requested "hearts and minds" on her day as Luau Queen. I sorta took that prompt literally as you can get. ;) This is also the first time I've written in this strictly-dialogue style, and frankly it was a lot of fun. Hope you like it! (Also, happy belated birthday!)
"Boone, stop muttering. I can't concentrate."
"'Can't concentrate'? Shan, you're filing your nails."
"I'm studying for a Bio test, asshole."
"...while doing your nails."
"Different people study in different ways. For instance, some people feel the need to repeat everything they read under their breath so it annoys the shit out of everyone around them."
"Well why don't you move somewhere else then?"
"Dad's office is less distracting. Or at least it's supposed to be."
"Oh, that's right. It must be hard to think of anything besides how dreamy Justin Timberlake is when you've got a billion *NSYNC posters up in your room."
"Well, you would know, wouldn't you?"
"Okay SERIOUSLY Shannon, I have an AP Psych test tomorrow and it's impossible to concentrate when you're being a careless little bitch."
"Shut the fuck up, Boone!"
"Only if you do!"
* * *
Ten Minutes Later
"Whaaaaat, Shan?"
"You wanna help me study?"
"Oh for fuck's sakes..."
"No, I mean, I study better when someone quizzes me. And I can quiz you on whatever you're doing."
"...fine. I just tried to read this page three times now and nothing's sinking in anymore. What's your test on?"
"Human organs. I need you to quiz me on the parts of the heart."
"Alright. How many chambers are there?"
"Four. There's the left and right atriums and the left and right... vestibules."
"Shit. Ventricles. Ventricles. Sorta rhymes with testicles. Okay..."
"And that'll be easy for you to remember..."
"Shut up, Boone. Give me your goddamn sheet."
"I gotta know the parts of the brain and what they do."
"'kay. Uh, where is the... occipital lobe and what's it for?"
"Toward the back of the head, and it has to do with vision. Processes vision."
"Yup. What does this have to do with psychology, anyway? I thought that was all, mental disorders and subliminal messages and stuff."
"Psychology is the study of the mind, Shan. And to have a mind, you have to have this thing called a brain."
"Don't be a smartass, AP Boy. I know you're dumb as a fuck when it comes to street smarts."
"Let's just get on with the questions, okay?"
"Yeah, whatever."
"Okay... what is the aorta?"
* * *
An Hour and a Half Later
"Alright Mr. Brain, I'm going to bed. I'll study tomorrow at lunch."
"Suit yourself. I've got at least another few hours ahead of me."
"Well, don't fall asleep here all night. You need a good night's rest so you can get up early enough to take a shower, cause you stink of chlorine."
"I showered at the pool after my shift!"
"Well, you still stink."
"Hey Boone?"
"Yeah, Shan?"
"Thanks for helping me study and stuff."
"You're welcome. Same here. Thanks."
"Night, Boone."
"G'night Shannon."