Feb 13, 2005 22:28
that is the ugliest F'ing skirt i've ever seen
^^ mean girls, how i love you.
yesterday was definitely not
how i expected it to be, and yet
i had a grand time
the show got cancelled that i was supposed to go to
and so meg and emily burtner and i went
to the coffee house
and saw Ms. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!
how i love her.
and then we went and rented
possibly one of the funniest,
most horribly confusing,
inappropriate for children
movie i have ever seen.
it was called "just a kiss" and
basically showed that if you stick
with kissing, everyone will be happy
and if you involve sex, everyone
will die. yes die.
so many funny things
"show me your balls"
"dick, willy...peter... bring him to dinner"
why does it switch to animation and then back to reality?
why do things glow?
i didn't get one second of it.
we still didn't make our music video
don't worry. it will happen one day.
this morning we totally slept through church
mix up.. ems mom was pretty pissed, i hope
she didn't get in too much trouble.
dship today was awesome as usual
then i had a birthday dinner for my mom
at pat's house. yum.. i ate food that is
really bad for you because she cooks like
a southern grandma,and now i feel sick.
lol tomorrow is valentines day
and i don't have a valentine
i'm not too concerned, it sounds
much more lonely than it actually is.
valentines's day is only a cute holiday
if you are madly in love, or married.
neither of which i am. and frankly,
if you are madly in love, you should show it
every day, not just on a cold day in the middle of
February. so. there. lol
well i will be going now.
i love you all
happy valentines day,to you and your lover.-nik