Feb 12, 2005 17:28
agh. and the ride continues.
i played mom this week
i hate the being responsible for a 7
year old part, but i love the
being responsible for me part
how awesome is it to not have a curfew
or a parent to report to on where you
will be every second of the day.
and that is why i cannot wait for
i love work crew training
i love it. i just do.
wow and i love Guy
i just got off the phone
with him about my application
and he's by far the coolest
older brother/awesome christian
example i have ever seen. i love him
last night was good, the guys and the
girls actually mingled a little bit.
very cool thing to do. HITCH is the
funniest movie ever, i love it.
and meg and i got just about the last
served wendy's meal of the night at like
12:59 or something crazy like that
after work crew today (this is post
is so not in chronological order)
we just hung out here.
chris was supposed to have lunch
today with sara (a.k.a. the "other woman") lol
just kidding. but yea, apparently he was
going to tell her to stop liking him,
and she never showed. i can't say i'm
all that upset about it. but today
he is acting mad at me, and he said that
he really loved her as a sister in christ
and that she was such an awesome christian
and stuff, and it just breaks my heart
because he NEVER and i mean NEVER encourages me
like that. i get the, "your pretty", "i like you"
and those are awesome, but what i really wanted
from a relationship with him was a christ based
relationship with constant encouragement on both ends.
i wrote him a letter a few nights ago about how
awesome it had been to have him in my life this past year
and how much i loved our relationship even if it wasn't
going to be a "romantic" valentines day or whatever that
i wanted him to know i loved him, and he was an awesome
Christian and i admired his heart and his faith..
he said nothing about it..
i don't understand..it sucks.
why do i still like someone
who can't love me the way i deserve?