tonight was sooooo fun!!!!! CRAZY ASS NIGHT!

Sep 11, 2004 23:12

ok well to start, my day was so uneventful, my dad sat around and i got up late...watched tv and crudd. Then at 6:30 lexie got dropped off and then my dad took us to the sad cafe to meet people there.. it was awesome. there were 4 metal bands playing, .. so we sat on the couches and listened a little while, then went out back and went skateboarding, woah im actually ok now, as soon as i get a new board n everything!! uhh then jeff, me, lexie, craig, andrew, and matt and ronny and some other kids all went across the street to dano's for some food. so we get it and then this wicked funny ass kid goes to the guy "i just shit myself", so the manager gets wicked pissed and kicks a couple kids out, then ronny was like "what are you on?" or something like that,..and the guy told ronny to shut the hell up in a nasty voice. so then me and craig look at each other and start laughing like crazy, so the guy makes us all leave. so when is it a federal offense to LAUGH?! !?!?! holy hell i hate people like that. so we walk back to the sad and start boarding again, then we all run like mainiacs to cumbies and me and ronny bought a red bull to get some wings and flew back to the sad to greet craig and lexie, the two "almost" lovers. then me and andrew are going out, then he breaks my heart and goes out with ronny. Pat lifts his shirt up and hugs us with his hairy fat belly, what a nice gesture. We met the bassist from one of the bands, he was awesome and so nice, tried to sneak us in the back haha. hmm i saw abby there and ashley and robby and jimmy chambers too. a ton of people went it was soo cool. yaaaa then we saw ben and he had this sick monster mask on, so craig put it on and went back to dano's and bought a soda and just looked at the guy with the mask on, didn't say anything and sat in dano's drinking the soda while me and jeff n lexie laughed our asses off outside. then we went back into the sad and listened to the third band and stood up on the chairs and this block thing and head banged and the lead singer was like "ya girl! woOooooo" what a nutcase! hah!
after listening to a while and talking to matt about ronny and who i liked now, we decided to jump into the couches. bad idea. i killed my wrist. ouch i said . craig said his bump on his hip hurt, before they came he landed on it after landing on the HAND RAIL between his crouch. his balls musta killed,,...i assume. so yes, it was a great time. my dad called the cell and i picked up, hmm we had to go at 10! ahhh so i quickly gathered andrew, jeff, ronny craig and lexie and of course myself and we ran down route 125 away from my dad! ahhh i hid in the bush, and then lexie and craig almost made out but we interrupted them...whoops. oh yes and a few hours earlier me and craig ran around and craig flashed the cars. yes it was nice to see his flat chest,..hes still in training bras. finally my dad caught us then he dropped lexie off and then i came back home at about 11 after gettin subs from guess where? DANO'S! ahhh i will never go back there. until that guy gets the foot that's squeezed so tightly up his ass. ok im tired. comment please, tell me how crazy i am. my birthday's in a few days 8)
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