it's all a blur

Dec 16, 2003 21:07

honestly, i'm afraid if i lay down for awhile, everything i've been studying will just seep out of me onto the sheets. what's my deal? i've never been so nervous about a test before! this blows.

regardless, in 15.5 hours, i will be done with finance. done with school. done. done. done. wahoo!

i had an anna dream last night. it wasn't the normal one's i have...this one was really bizarre. we knew anna had diedgone home already, still we were trying to bring her back to earth. so, a whole bunch of CAPA kids put together this video and we were all pleading with God on why she should be able to live with us a little bit more. so, that's understandable. this is where it gets weird...

it was airing on PBS at the same time as this "julian family's vacation" video was, it would cut back and forth from these happy moments of little kids finding easter eggs to each of Anna's friends, family, etc. pleading/crying/begging, etc. with God. it was weird.

i didn't want to wake up b/c i was afraid we'd lose her again. and towards the end of our PBS special, she started appearing in the backgrounds of our

dream doctor anyone?

...fine. back to finance studying. oh, life without finance will possess so much more fervor and vibrance.
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