
Nov 12, 2004 14:59

I was watching the news and saw that Scott peterson was found guilty of both his wife and unborn child's death.

I have but two words to say about that.


It's really a shame stupid physco men like Scott feel the need to go crazy and kill their pregnant wife. Because then we the people of...(well California this time) end up spending two years of tax dollars to fund some rediculous trial in which everyone already know's he did it. Oy. Justice at it's finest. Guilty till proven innocent is the way I say it should go. Cut the bullshit and get to the point.

He was having an afair, was known to be both physically and verbally abusive, went out "fishing" right before she vanished, her body was found almost exactly where he was "fishing," he skips town right after and dyes his hair?! And we spent 2.5 years discussing whether or not he was guilty? Are you kidding me? Wow.

Ok in better news. So my most amazing COMM professor in the world Stan Deetz. he is my Human Communication Theory professor and just won a lifetime achievment award and is just a genius, beyond that really. His class is the most amazing eye opening class ever. ANYWAYS, ever semester he has 3 undergrad tutors. I really like his class and I find myself constantly telling my roommates and friends, "so Deetz's class I learned the coolest thing" And then I tell them all about it. I usually go to his office hours on a weekly basis just to kinda talk and go over material. So this last week when I went in I randomly got the courage to ask him about how one would become a tutor. He asked me if I was interested and I was like, possibly yea. So then he asks what I got on his tests. I told him an 86% and 89%. To which he looked impressed and told me that basically I have an A in the class because my scores are above average. So then I was like, we'll would I make a good canidate? He told me he thinks I would be an excellent tutor and would really love to have me on the team. He asked me if I wanted to start the independant study thing. HOOOOOOOOOLY crap. did that just happen. Did one of the most reknown and acclaimed communication theorist of all time just say that to me? I about died....twice. Anyways, I'm totally gunna do it. I can't wait. OK, I'm gunna go be excited. bye bye
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