Jun 11, 2006 03:34
i guess you would say im in a state of denial. i keep thinking that this is all a big dream and that im not really pregnant and i have no reason to plan and pack for a trip to the hospital, which i still have to do. at my last doctors appointment the nurse said i should go ahead and pack now. that way i would be prepared when the time comes... uh, hello no matter how far in advance i pack for this trip i WILL BE UNPREPARED... there is no question to it. when the ladies at work talk about if i go into labor at work who's gonna drive, whos gonna get the wheelchair from the managers office (across the store... makes sense) etc, etc. they jsut start laughing when i say im not haveing the baby, ill be pregnant forever or it will do a reverse thing and go back to the way i was before.
god its so weird thinking that im going to be someone's "Mommy" or "Momma". i have never been good with kids, my sister has always had that touch when it came to kids, all my little cousins ask for sarah long before they think about me being near-by.
when im at work and see these parents and their spoiled bratty little kids i cant help think or say "my kid(s) will never act like that!" "if that was my kid, oh they would get thier butt beaten!" i cant help it! i refuse to allow my child(ern) become nusence of society. for example... almost every other day walmart, particularly near the deli, ends up viewing young childern (old enough to know not to "scream/yell" indoors) jsut yelling incohearent things at the top of thier lungs, mind you they are not hurt, not upset in anyway jsut yelling to hear thier own voices. and the parents completely ignoreing them and continuing to order deli meat or place a cake order (which after bakery leaves for the night becomes a chore for the deli... and im the only one who has enough cake decorating
"experience" to write on cakes). oh and whats worse the parents of these evil childern become angry with us (members of the deli) for not being able to understand their requests of meat. um, sorry but could you put your kid on mute for a minute first?
anyway... to sum up this entry, i hate walmart, stupid people (and thier kids), and the fact that i cant except i myself am have a kid (un-earthy heathan or heavenly angel, whatever my carma grants me).