Jun 09, 2006 13:53
well this will be fun....
My Aunt/mother-in-law (however you want to look at it) is throwing me a baby shower on July 9th.Originally she was planning it for June 24th but this morning changed her mind to throw it on july 9th. she said she changed her mind because it was conflicting with members of the family... um hello!.... I cant remember what date dee said she was aiming for coming...my dad and "his crew" are planning on getting here on July 11th... my mom and "her crew" is planning (so far) on getting here on July 15th (i think)... sarah and "her crew" are coming around july 20th....
i think its still conflicting with family! not to mention that the baby will probably be here before the shower. yea, this is going to be interesting. oh well.
i sure cant help plan it cuz the last time i went to a baby shower it was for the birth of my cousin Nicolas (nikki) who is about to be 7 or 8 (sorry i cant remember), anyway i dont remember what goes on at a baby shower.
wow, my memory shows how much it sucks in this entry. well i gotta get the laundry put up. i really dont want eric to come home (hes been out of town for work this whole week) and find the couch completely covered in clothes. besides his dog (JR) keeps knocking them down when he so desperately tries to get out of the house threw the window above the couch. stupid dog. he does that with the windows above the kitchen table. i wanted to kill him for that really badly.