do you hate the taste of wine but do you drink it til your blind?

Mar 04, 2005 14:39

"So there was this woman and she was on an airplane, and she was flying to meet her fiancé seaming high above the largest ocean on planet earth. She was seated next to this man she had tried to start conversations, but the only thing she had really heard him say was to order his Bloody Mary. She was sitting there and she was reading this really arduous magazine article about a third world country that she couldn’t even pronounce the name of. And she was feeling very bored and despondent. And then suddenly there was this huge mechanical failure and one of the engines gave out, and they started just falling thirty-thousand feet, and the pilots on the microphone and he’s saying “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, oh my god” and apologizing. And she looks at the man and says “Where are we going?” and he looks at her and he says “We’re going to a party. It’s a birthday party. It’s your birthday party. Happy birthday darling. We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much.” And then he starts humming this little tune, it kind of goes like this: 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4"

ive been known to save ladybugs from stairwells, mice from mischevious cats, spiders from bathtubs, dogs from parkinglots, and friends from the agony of hopelessness. but sometimes i cant balance myself when slipping around on the floor or through the day. each step a desperate attempt for my body to fall and catch myself. but oh the weather is getting warmer and i know some wonderful people that i'd love to just sit with and laugh and smile til our faces hurt. at times i like to just feel drunk. by alcohol or by emotions. i like to feel consumed but careless. my hair is always so crazy in the morning and it takes my eyes awhile to adjust to the day and i wish i could be one of those girls that wakes up beautiful but i wake up to beautiful things every morning its just depends on if i can let myself see them.
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