Geh gleich schlafen

May 24, 2007 03:10

Dritter Beitrag zur nicht gewonnen ReGenesis-DVD-Box: Ich bin untröstlich. :(

They killed Orlando Bloom!!!!

I'm beyond pissed right now. I spent nine hours watching all three movies in a row and what did I get??????

A DEAD Orlando Bloom!

Okay, technically he's not dead since he took Davy Jones position on the Flying Dutchman, but who cares? Jones stabbed him through the heart and to prevent him from really dying they made him kill Davy to take his job over ... kinda doesn't make sense to you right now? Watch the movie! ... or not, depends if you think it's preferable to see your loved ones only every ten years and spend the eternity guiding dead souls to the other side or to die in peace.

I'm so angry.

There are a few things you just don't do in a movie. For example you don't kill Sharuk Khan in a Bollywoodmovie (well, they did it in Indian Love Story and guess what? I don't like the movie). You don't end the movie in a way that prevents the main couple to spend the rest of their lifes happily together (oh, and it doesn't count when you show in the little "after movie" how Will returns after ten years to see his son). Certainly you don't kill Orlando Bloom. If there's gonna be a fourth movie (and the ending suggested it quite clearly) without Orlando, I don't want to see it.

The rest of the movie? Lots of explosions, lots of explosions, a little bit of actual developement, lots of explosions ... did I mention the explosions?

Maybe I'll be able to review the movie a little more objective in the light of a new day, but right now I'm just pissed (and sorry for the curse words ... I've just been to a pirate movie!)

dafür werden filme gemacht

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