
Mar 12, 2013 18:18

I know, I know, I haven't written anything in ages, but between all my final exams and Grandma passing away I didn't really feel like it. But rejoice! I took pictures, and I'm going to share them with you!

(You know the drill, clicking the pic will take you to the larger version.)

This is once again my (okay, Martin's) beloved car, Giovanni. This time from the front. He's still a dream to drive, and together we braved several winter storms. I'm so done with snow. For real. Please, no more snow. I need the sun back.

I know showing you pics of beautiful pics of sunny spring days makes no sense whatsoever when I keep complaining about snow, but the two pics above were taken during my last drive home. And I know I keep complaining about how boring the drive through the north-east is, but sometimes it's also just really, really amazing. I love the rolling hills and the green of the fields when the sun is shining.

Told you it was snowing! It was also freezing as hell last weekend. This is me walking and freezing my butt off around Stralsund's harbor. I'm not sure what I thought when I suggested we go for a walk ... it was much nicer (and warmer) to finally reach level 60 with my female monk in Diablo 3 on Sunday. (I finally made it! Only took me about ... three(?) months. And I can't play it anymore on my laptop, because the fan can't keep up with the latest patch, so I can only play it on Norman's computer.)

And I guess Norman was quite happy just to nap with one of the cats in his arm. They looked totally adorable together. <3

That's John, and he's the most pliant and easy-going cat I know. Unless you're sleeping. Then he walks on your shoulder, your hip, your ankles or jumps from the desk right on your face.

He makes up for it by being adorable.

That's Pinia, and she has made remarkable progress since we took her in. She belonged to Norman's former flatmate, and we never really saw the cat, and when we did all she did was hissing at us and running away. Turns out she really didn't like the flatmate's smoking, and now that Norman lives in Stralsund and no one's smoking, she changed so much! It's astonishing. She's sweet and playful and wants to cuddle.

Anyway, Stralsund is ridiculously pictoresque and beautiful. Like really ridiculous. I already knew its city center is on the World's Cultural Heritage list, but c'mon ...

That's the view from Norman's flat. I love it.

That's one of the entries of the church.

And the inside of the church.

For some weird reason I really, really like this window.

The weekend before we walked along Stralsund's waterside and took these pictures.

The land on the right side is the island of Rügen. It's actually quite near!

And thus concludes my little picspam. I hope you enjoyed it!

an den wettergott, need no dictionary, ich hab' bilder gemacht!, sammelsurium

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