To say it with the words of Malcolm Reynolds: "Yep, that went well."

Mar 26, 2012 11:27

Not that I was naked or anything, but still -- the last weekend didn't go exactly according to plan. It started out fine on Thursday afternoon when I took the train to Berlin, because we had a family meet-up to go to a classical concert on Saturday (like there's any other kind of concert we'd all go to).

On Friday we (sans Dad) went to Rheinsberg to visit its castle. We had an interesting tour, and from time to time it reminded me of a much smaller version of Versailles. However, our tour guide was obsessed with the floor covering and if it was still the same Frederic the Great walked on or not. It was kind of hilarious.

And then came Saturday morning, and it all went downhill from there. I woke up, got up, and couldn't move anymore. Well, I couldn't turn my neck. I somehow had managed to pinch a nerve on my right side, which hurt like hell. And made me walk like a Disney witch. I felt like this (minus the moving, because moving was more or less a no-go that day):

So, no spending the lovely warm and sunny day in the city with my family. No shopping. Instead, I lay on the couch, tried not to make any sudden movements, watched animated movies (Hercules, Tangled, the short movie of Tangled, and Planet 51), and ate pizza. Thanks a million to hockeyiris who kept me company via chat (and thanks to my phone, which allowed me to chat from the couch without having to get up to sit in a chair), she saved me from utter boredom. And to top all of that, towards the evening I still couldn't walk properly, or move without pain, so I couldn't go to the concert as well. Bascially, this whole trip to Berlin was a bust.

It's better today, but I still can't sit in a chair for longer because then my neck starts to cramp, and I just want to curl up in a ball and weep. I've never had a pinched nerve before and it really, really sucks.

familie, need no dictionary, wait ... what?, flimmerkiste, berlin, *möööööp*, sometimes life fails, ich hab' bilder gemacht!, zeit für plan b, konzert, oh for fox' sake, freunde, sammelsurium

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