Attention! English!

Feb 27, 2007 21:19

Okay, this entry is (obviously) in English because a)  it's dedicated to Claire who wrote me a huge letter (thank you soooooooo much) b) I just feel like writing in English and c) I will write about ReGenesis and propably would bore you to death.

Sorry to my family ... just talk to me and you will get the same information.

So, where to start?

I think Claire has used at least three different kind of cards/papers to write on. It's always fun to figure out which page to read first and I love to work through her sentences ... everytime I encounter a few words I don't know. Makes me come down to earth again since I don't know as much as I'd like to think. *sighs* I like the photos tv guide always has... we don't get that kind of promo shots for US shows *grummel* And Matthew wants to take a bath for seven hours? Seven? I thought I take long baths, but they only last for around an hour or so ... wonder how I'd look after seven hours in water. Ugly. Anyway, thanks to Claire I now have more insight into Chicago trivia which will come in handy for future writing about this (surely) lovely city. One day I will be there, too! Oh, I nearly forgot. The pictures you draw of Wörlitz and that cathedral are gorgeous.

My practical work today was boring. I "worked" in the "Jungedtreff" which meant serving drinks, paying attention that nobody was killed with billiard cues, getting my lungs full of smoke (is it august yet? I want the new law forbidding smoking in puplic places right now!) and trying not to fall asleep because half the time I had nothing to do at all. I prefer working in the "Kindertreff". A day there leaves me really exhausted and some of these kids are not normal *coughs* but at least I have something to do and no smoke. Well, tomorrow I'll see the kids again. Maybe I'll think different afterwards when they screamed at each other again it makes me wonder why noone gets deaf by it.

I made mom watch ReGenesis with me yesterday and she said she likes it and will watch it again. I hope she wasn't saying it because I adore the show and she didn't want to say that it's crap. Saddly they never showed it in the US so Claire has no chance to know what I'm talking about ... but hey, none of my friends has a clue (or at least I think so) so it's okay. Today I discovered some ReGenesis-videos on youtube - makes me a very happy Tine since the clips show parts of episodes yet to come here. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo glad they picked the show for a third season. After having learned and watched what the second season cliffhanger is I would have gone crazy without knowing if the team survived the explosion. Yep, there was an explosion. I have to say the writers are really creative when it comes to things they haven't yet done to David (main character and - guess what - my favorite). *thinks* He survived an exposition to Ebola, a gunshot, a serious car accident, being a hostage to the chinese ... maybe he's some kind of superhero. Nope, he drinks too much, smokes too much, is an asshole half the time and uses a lot of curses (odd that they forget to dub that ;) ... definitly not a superhero in my book.  I looked for fanfiction for the show today and found nothing. Not a single one. Maybe the biotechnological-babble is scaring possibly writers, but still it's sad. It's such a good show and it deserves people who explore it more ... it's all's fault! American site only has shows shown in America :( Then some guy in the RG-board on complained about it and wrote it's a piece of junk and made me angry. Why does he bother watching when he thinks it's a waste of time? And does he watch anything else on tv? RG is one of the best shows on tv right now ... this guy knows nothing. Yep. I will spread the word and get on people's nerves ... but hopefully none of the new fans will do the internet quiz so I'll win the DBD box ;)

That's all for now ... I'm tired and surely will have made enough faults for your entertainment. Bye!

serien, praktikum

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