Will sell bodyparts for books.

Sep 03, 2012 21:02

For the random people out there reading this,  I just felt like sharing that I book budget.  That is to say, I very rarely go into a bookstore and just wander out with an impulse buy anymore.  Those days are long gone.  ~oh happy days of yore~

What brought this share-y thought on was that I recently re-did my wishlist for books/manga/graphic novels (after the original file corrupted.  Oh how I cried.) and the total amount (at bookdepository prices) eventually came to $1,206.83.  (Believe me, I had a little eye-bug-out moment myself)

That... that would get me overseas.  That would get me some furniture.  That would get me a little less in debt on my mortgage.  But instead I budget around slowly whittling this pile of want down to something a little less eyebrow-rise worthy.

.......I just felt like sharing that.  (I'm not sharing about the dvd list of want... it's just as scary.)

Side note:  I have anew tumblr as my regular one is set up in my brain for no reblogs of lolita, superheroes, fanciful art, etc.  http://guidedbywhimsy.tumblr.com/

books, tumblr, real life

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