New years Resolutions
(Both silly and serious)
strikethrough means done. XD
Red means failed. D:
- Do NOT buy anymore books until I have finished reading the majority (preferably ALL) of the books I already have. If I manage to read a book a week, this means I should be able to buy some new ones around the first of August 2012.
- Buy bookshelf x2.
- Buy coffee table.
- Japan trip!
- Join gym.
- Lose 4cms around waist. (waist 81cm - Jan.)
- Expand lolita wardrobe, but! No buying any until Japan trip.
- Buy flatscreen tv.
- Go to dentist.
- Get car in to be serviced.
- Clean out wardrobe in spare room.
- Clean out the airlock.
- Auction things off at AIcon.
- Follow up about the lasers.
- Get to work on time. 5minutes late is the only acceptable late.