2011, Year In Review

Jan 01, 2012 13:18

End of year meme. Take the first sentence/s of the first post for each month and compile them into a single post. Ignore quiz/meme posts.

So for AIcon this year I figured I'd cosplay as Nico Robin.  About two months to go so it's probably about time to start getting myself put together.

Borrowed some manga from shoujo85 and managed to put some thoughts together coherently on a few of them to the point a writing little mini-reviews.

And I feel just so damn relieved. (This was a locked post.)

Went and saw powerplant with keh_loves_blood  in the botanical gardens on Wednesday night and it was gorgeous.

None!!!!  Flip, I did no posts during my birthday month.  This is a shocker!

Turn up the heaters, winter's hit.

Okay, so this is pretty much going to be a photo post of doom.  keh_loves_blood , shihaf , shoujo85  & I all went to Cradle Mountain in a sort've present to ourselves for our birthdays (we're all Taurus' and most within days of each other) and somehow I managed to come back with over 380 photos of a four day holiday.

Soooo, I'm going to be doing the 30 day lolita thingy-goo inspired after seeing  's collected post.

There, a totally ominous title for the post that actually means not what it first looks like.  Huzzah.

It's a very simple system really.  Everything that's important goes in a box throughout the year.  When tax is due to be done I go through the box and throw everything that isn't important but has still managed to end up in the box onto the kitchen floor.

I now have a tumblr account.  O.o;

Well this is something I didn't know about...

quiz, new years

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