This post was actually supposed to go up around a week ago... yeah, that didn't happen due to the great compy 'bewm' of 2010.
I've been reading through my old Xforce comics recently and just been having a nostalgic ball.
I've fallen in love with Sam all over again. I don't know, but there's just something about him that hits most of my fangirl character-coo buttons. Om nom nom. Where the hell is he nowadays? I've heard only bits and pieces, but nothing concrete like with Ric, 'star and Terry. Hell, I even know where Jimmy is, who grew on me like mad once the artists started drawing him without the 80's/90's stereotype his got stuck molded in. (Although from the couple of panels I've seen of him recently he's gone back to that, noooooo.)
.......'Staaaaaaaaaar~ <3
Rictor I've been having heaps of fun with. Seeing his character progression with my forearmed knowledge of current events is just a blast. The fits he throws at Cable, the hard crush on Rahne, Arcade, any flipping interaction with 'star... wee! Also, seeing the difference in how people have drawn him as he grew up is a blast. He's gone from scrawny teen to slightly-less scrawny punk to motley-crue extreme-muscle wannabe to scruffy guy. Ufufufufu. Oh Ric, you try to be such a badass, but you're so not.
-started reading Runaways that
cassu_bean leant me last night. Eeee, the shiny. XD