i am having a really terrible month. my grandmother passed away (i got the phone call from my mom an hour before i left for my vacation on the west coast), my uncle is sick enough that he may also pass away this year, i sprained my ankle again, and have been trying to get ready to move. to brooklyn while all these events have been happening (meaning that i signed the lease while in washington with my family, which necessitated this ridiculous trip to seattle because seattle is the only place with a HSBC bank in western washington, apparently). i have mixed feelings about everything. it will be nice not having to travel 3 hours a day to get to work, but . . . i don't know if i am really ok with the neighborhood or the apartment. i was excited, but something happened and i am no longer happy about this move. augh. why can't i live in a tree like a bird. or FLY. that would solve all my problems.
i am also supposed to be getting married. thinking about this just causes WILD PANIC and thus i am not dealing with it until after we move.
also my job is insanely hard. like . . . i can't even describe it. i will describe it in more detail later, as i have been promising forever. i just have no free time. i work, i get home around 9 or 10 pm, i eat, i go to bed. i get up at 6 and i repeat. in some ways it's actually ok, in that i am used to it by now. but damn, i would like some free time. i don't think i've seen some of you in 4 or 5 months. supposedly all this hard work will eventually lead to some reward/magical floating blueberry pie in the sky, but i sure can't focus on it right now.
although i can finally have a cat. the joke in our household is that i think of this cat the way liz lemon on 30 rock thinks of Astronaut Mike Dexter, so of course that is one of my imaginary cat names. the other one is too embarrassing to share and i secretly am hoping that i can actually give it to the real cat, when it happens.
i am sure i forgot some Major Life News, but i will get back to you later. no, for real! i exist!
aaaaaaaaaeeeeuuuuuuuurgh. please distract me with clown faces or CATZ or whatever. tell me what you've been doing. COMFORT ME WITH INTERNET INANITY, BECAUSE I MISS IT SO. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE I MADE FUN OF TWILIGHT
*ps - i am selling many of my dolls, almost all of my lolita clothes, some gorgeous leather hayden harnett boots, and all my swimmer and japanese jewelry boxes
here, because mama has no space in her new apartment and she is very poor because she lives in fucking NYC. help me get rid of this stuff before i move . . . i think i don't want to sell anything ever again. seriously.