i am alive, i guess

Feb 19, 2009 23:13

hey dudes. i didn't mean to drop off the face of the earth, but this last month has been really busy with work and various other crap. by which i mean i spent most of this last month reading and sewing stuffed animals and feeling weepy for no particular reason. call it winter hibernation.

what better way to return than with a mess of youtube videos?

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oh my god, i love this video so much. janelle monae has been my recent obsession - her hair, and her crazy high waisted pants, and the fact that her concept album centers around a robot named cindy mayweather, who has fallen in love with a human. just watch the video. it's like they made it by looking in my head and stealing all my daydreams. you should check out her EP as well. for some bizarre reason she's signed on puff daddy's label, and there is a video blog of puffy enthusing about her.

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GREATEST CAT VIDEO OF ALL TIME, WILL GO IN CAT HALL OF FAME WITH WINSTON. you must watch to the end, because the last minute made tiffany and i choke on our wild laughter. of course, you also have to be the kind of person who finds cats amusing, but i'll just assume you are as this is the internet.

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a lovely piano version of portishead's "machine gun". check out this person on youtube, she does other interpretations of pop songs.

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i adore this video. such beautiful dancing, not to mention my extreme weakness for redheads.

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the story behind this video: for some reason, tiffany really wants melanie and i to learn the single ladies dance with her. she has not taken my lack of dancing ability into account (seriously, you know the part where beyonce squats all the way to the ground and then somehow shoots up again? that shit would kill me! also i would be tempted to throw dignity and feminism to the wind and shout "ME WANT FOOD" if i was wearing a unitard). we were looking up the myriad videos of people interpreting single ladies in their own special way, and then we found this one. and we KEPT WATCHING IT, because since he's not really wearing anything except for battlefield earth/caveman rags, it's easy to see what he's doing. and thus we became convinced that he's got some dead bodies hidden in the walls, and maybe manning the camera. maybe the next version (yes, there are OTHER VERSIONS of this where he is actually wearing clothes) will involve him wearing his favorite human suit.

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i don't know if you guys have seen this - it is hayden panettiere's music video and it's HILARIOUS. i wonder what milo ventiomablahblah think about this? you do you have to get to the end because she starts wearing various outfits in impersonation of avril lavigne and xtina and it's just so terrible. she sounds like pro tools. they could use it as an advertisment.

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i am loving battlestar so much, by the way. i can't tell what's going to happen, which is so rare on a television show. they could kill off EVERYONE and i wouldn't blink an eye. i spent the last episode with my hands over my mouth, shaking with glee. lost is also blowing my mind, but it is kind of BECOMING battlestar, which is bizarre. twop says "This show is a college student who screwed off for two and a half years, ended up on the six-year plan, and is now hell-bent on graduating magna cum laude. With a double-major." that is not inaccurate.

blah. please don't cut me, guys. i'm still around and i will somehow get it together and keep up eventually.

music, youtube, tv

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