May 09, 2008 11:50

i wish to speak to you about THIS MAN:


hankshiny introduced me to his music videos, which are amazing(ly gay) - this man was named the 21st greatest bulgarian of all time, and was in fact the SECOND greatest living bulgarian, after a football player. damn. i want his outfits. and you know, he's not a bad singer! oh, asiz.

if only i could watch his talk show. i have a feeling that the US is not teeming with bulgarian-language channels, though.

image Click to view

don't watch this one all the way through, but the beginning visuals are astounding. HE HAS GIANT SPARKLES IN HIS EYES. and something magic happens at the 1 minute mark.

image Click to view

this one involves a possibly (probably) drugged (baby?) leopard. and . . . bulgarian rapping? something? i am consistently impressed by his ability to wear heels. if only i wasn't a cripple, i could rock the sequined-panties-sequined-baseball-cap-sequined-fucking-everything look. with stilettos.

i wish i had more to write about than bulgarian pop stars. i guess i could write about A) battlestar galactica, B) my life (NOOOOO), or C) poupee girl. NO THANK YOU.

kim is coming to visit though! and possibly my SOUL SISTAH whalin (the one whom i met in kenya, and we also went to budapest together). yay!

bizarrely, i received a card from my optomologist (??) with a $25 gift certificate to lebanese taverna. BRIBERY!

should i see speed racer tomorrow? i probably shouldn't, huh.

music, youtube, wtf, bsg, tv, poupee girl, movies

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