gah, fuck recaps

Oct 03, 2006 20:33

i am so goddamn tired. maybe someday i'll write recaps again. some fine day.

anyway, here is a bone. i am throwing it to you.

some of you may have played that infinitely complicated lost game thingy this summer. you know, where abc was piling clues all over the place, most of them time-sensitive and such, and you were supposed to go out there and hunt them down? right? right. anyway, the webgame has 70 distinct video clips as prizes which can be put together on the website i did not play this game, because (a) i was not yet a full-blown lost fan, and (b) i was too goddamn busy, which pisses me off to no end. god, i love wasting time.

so! watch the video, it apparently explains where the dharma initiative came from, what its purpose is, and what those FUCKING NUMBERS MEAN. enjoy! i'm not going to watch yet. YET.

(should i even bother writing recaps anymore? thoughts, anyone? i'm totally not writing recaps for lost, because i can't even see what's happening on my crappy tv screen sometimes unless i literally have my nose pressed against it, so i rely entirely on other people's recaps for the full story.)

does anyone know if the season premiere is one hour or two hours? because if it is two hours, that totally fucks up my viewing schedule, and heads will roll!

lost, tv

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