In case there was any confusion, yes, I am back at college. If you wanted to see me over break and didn't, that was your own damn fault so try again harder from March 16th to the 25th. All I can say is that this year I had better as hell be back in time for St.Patrick's Day or I will most surely die a terrible terrible death from St.Patrick's Day deficiency. Don't laugh. It's a documented condition...maybe.
In other news, Molecular Biology and Genetics is going to kick my ass, even though it's super interesting. The professor seems cool though. Very straightforward. My Environmental Geology professor is sort of the opposite. He has this heavy accent (I think he might be Ukranian) and goes off on these random tangents like the following:
"Between the terrestrial planets and the outer planets, there are the asteroids. They look like potatoes. Wait! That has given me a good idea of what to have for dinner! Does anyone know any good things to make with potatoes? What do you eat for dinner? Nothing too fattening, of course, for obvious reasons. The outer planets are gaseous except for Pluto but now Pluto is a dwarf planet..."
Yesterday I assembled 3 bookshelves and rigged up a shelf for my loft bed. My bed is now even more amazing than normal, as I'm sure anyone who's slept with me will tell you. Yeah right.