MINE. (Epilogue) SURPRISE!!!

Jan 18, 2010 17:45

Title: MINE. (Part 13/Epilogue)
Author: hooray4irony
Rating: NC-17 (this chapter is pretty mild, though).
Pairing: Pete Wentz/Ryan Ross (Ryden later)
POV:First. Ryan's
Summary:"Ryan," Mikey started, walking over to me and sitting down. "Patrick has told us very briefly about your time with your uncle, and we have come to a decision about where you will go from here."
Disclaimer: Do not own. Only plot is mine. MINE!
Beta: The oh so fantastic xojemmaxo
Author Notes: SURPRISE! Now, you're probably screaming at the computer seeing the last chapter of MINE. up. But, please read this before you read this chapter: This is the end of MINE. Yes, I know that. I wrote it. But there is going to be a sequel. Full of Ryden goodness. So stop screaming at the computer and don't accuse me of being a monster for ending it with no Ryden what so ever. I'm making a sequel because then I can make it longer with more Ryden action. It's called Beautiful and will be up as soon as possible. So don't be sad my little watermelons <3. Little Ryro will be back very soon, and this time Brendon will be with him :P
Also, sorry about the delay posting this. I'd like to thank all the people giving me inspiration in the little delay note, and also everyine who read, posted comments, and liked this story. Thank you so much! <3 Also, a big thank you and a hug to my parter in crime, xojemmxo who was my awesome beta, and who nagged me to finish this :D <3

Chapter One Chapter Two
Chapter Three Chapter Four
Chapter Five Chapter Six
Chapter Seven Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

The two men took me to what they called a police station. The one called Mikey tugged the blanket over my shoulders and prevented me from throwing it off by clamping an arm around me. Frank gave him a concerned look when I began to cry again, but didn't argue.

It was quiet and warm inside. There was a desk with another police officer behind it. He looked up when we walked in.

Mikey stopped, so I stopped too. Frank walked up to the man at the desk and they began a conversation, hands flying in expression.

Once they had finished, Frank led me to a small room in the back, complete with chairs and a table placed in the middle of the room. There were no windows and my stomach flopped. Everything was so unfamiliar. I felt like I was suffocating.

"Ryan," Mikey spoke, pointing to a chair. "Take a seat."

I followed his order and walked to the chair, sitting down as I wrapped the blanket tighter around my body. They weren't going to take this away from me. It was the only protection I had at the moment, and I wasn't going to give it up without a struggle.

I felt tears well up in my eyes again and I blinked them back quickly. I won't let them see me cry again tonight. I had let my cover down too many times already.

The two men took a seat in front of me at the small table. They stared at me before Frank began to speak. "Ryan, can you tell us why you were out on the side of the road... naked?"

I shook my head. I wasn't going to tell these men anything. No matter how much they would hurt me.

"Ryan, please. We need to now what happened to you... is there anyone you would like us to call? Maybe someone that you can talk to? Someone you trust."

I looked up from my lap. Patrick. Patrick would help me out of here and then I could go home. Pete would be proud of me that I didn't tell the bad police anything, and then everything would go back to normal. Pete would think I'm a good boy, and then he wouldn't punish me.

"Patrick," I croaked, my voice hopeful and just a bit too enthusiastic. "Patrick. I know his number."

Frank nodded.

"What is it, Ryan?"

I gave them Patrick's number that I had memorized from when he had given it to me a while ago. He said to use it when I needed help, or if I was in trouble. I was both of those things now, so maybe he wouldn't mind if I used it.

Frank thanked me and left the room, apparently going to call Patrick and bring him here. I had butterflies in my stomach. What if Patrick was angry at me, like Pete was? Why was Pete angry at me, anyway? I don't remember doing anything bad, or out of line. Maybe I wasn't beautiful enough for Pete. Maybe he wanted a girl. That had to be it. I wasn't pretty enough for Pete, so he wanted a girl because girls are pretty (from what I've seen from the girls in Pete's shiny books), and I'm not. Girls are curvy and soft, and I'm bony and pointy. My stomach sunk and I felt like crying again. Pete wouldn't want me back. If he did, though, then I could show him that I could be beautiful like a girl, too. I could show him that I could be better than a girl, even though I probably wasn't.


My thoughts were disturbed at the sound of Frank's voice.

"Ryan, Patrick said he'll be here as soon as he can."

I nodded, staring down at my lap again and twisting my hands nervously.

It was a while, but when Patrick did finally turn up, he wrapped me in a hug so hard that I had to pull away before I suffocated.

He held me at arms length, inspecting me for any injuries. When Patrick's eye caught the bandage on my chest and the bruise on my side and cheek, his face cooled over. He had a look of disgust and hatred plastered to his features.

"Ryan, what happened?" he demanded, looking me in the eye.

I had to break the eye contact. I couldn't take Patrick looking at me like that. It made me want to burst into fits of tears.

"Ryan," Patrick pleaded. "Please, you have to tell us what happened."

I nodded and inhaled a shaky breath, still not daring to look Patrick in the eye.

"Pete left me on the side of the road, after he did that." I pointed vaguely to my chest where red was slowly starting to seep through the white of the bandage Frank had put on me while we were waiting for Patrick to arrive.

"What else happened, Ry? Did he do anything else to you?"

"Uh, yeah. He punched me in my side and my face -- but I deserved it. I didn't stay still and shut my eyes... like Pete told me to."

"So...he didn't touch you?"

I shook my head. That was the first thing that I thought Pete was going to do, but he didn't. Another piece of evidence to prove my 'I'm not beautiful enough' theory. Pete didn't touch me.

Patrick sighed loudly and walked over to where Frank and Mikey were sliently listening in a corner of the room. They talked quietly with each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying.

It was a while before they turned to face me again, Patrick looked slightly guilty.

"Ryan," Mikey started, walking over to me and sitting down. "Patrick has told us very briefly about your time with your uncle, and we have come to a decision about where you will go from here."

Mikey told me about this home that takes in children like me that go through major therepy and other things that 'foster parents' wouldn't be able to take care of. He says it's a safe place for children to go who don't have anywhere else, so it would be best if I go there too. Apparently, they just take children in without notice if it's an emergency, too, so they could take me there tonight. That way, it would save any hassles for now.

"It's a really nice place, Ryan. It would do you a lot of good if you stayed there for a while," Patrick told me once we were both bundled up in his car a while later. "Plus, I would visit you on weekends and stuff."

I nodded but kept my eyes on the back of Mikey's and Frank's car in front of Patrick's. They said they would lead us there and speak with the owners, in case of any problems.

The rest of the car ride was in complete silence, me staring out the window and Patrick staring out at the road in front of him.

Once we arrived, I got out of the car along with Patrick, pulling the blanket tighter around my body, and stared in awe at the very large house.

Frank and Mikey were already talking to what I guessed was the owner, and I followed Patrick to where the two policemen and a woman were standing. They all stopped talking when we reached them and stared down at me, instead.

"Hi," greeted the woman. She took a few steps towards me and smiled. "My name's Kate. You must be Ryan, yes?"

I nodded hesitantly, and went to stand behind Patrick.

"We have some clothes for you inside, Ryan." She continued to speak and I silently wished she'd shut up. "Follow me, darling."

Darling? I wasn't going anywhere with this woman that called me darling.

I shook my head quickly and she laughed lightly. I didn't see what was so funny.

"Come on, Ryan." Patrick nudged me. "We'll go with you."

I stared up at Patrick for a few moments, then slipped my hand in his. He smiled and tugged me along with Kate at his side. She was speaking very fast but I didn't take notice of what she was saying.

I stepped through the front door and was greeted by warmth and light. Looking around, I could see boys and girls, either sitting and reading (I didn't like them already), or walking around and doing other things. I saw a few girls that were very pretty, and didn't like them either.

The people stared at me as I walked past them, inching closer to Patrick and squeezing his hand tighter. I realised that the staring could have something to do with the blanket that was tucked around my body, and the bruises on my face.

Once we passed them, Kate led us up some stairs. I stared down at them, careful not to trip and fall. We then walked down a fairly narrow hall, coming to stop in front of a wooden door.

Kate opened it and walked through, heading straight to the only window and opening it. I let go of Patrick's hand and followed her to stare out of it. When I did, though, I suddenly wished I hadn't. It was very far up. Very, very far up. I quickly ducked my head back in the room, and turned away from the window. I reminded myself to close it later.

"This is going to be your room," said Kate. "You'll be sharing it with two other boys, but they're around your age and you'll have your own bed."

As if on cue, two boys then entered the room. They froze once they noticed the people also standing in the room. In their room.

"Uh, hi?" One with longish brown hair broke the silence that had suddenly swept over the room.

"Brendon, William, this is Ryan Ross. Your new roomie," Kate introduced.

"Ugh, Kate. Please stop calling them roomies. They are room mates. You make it sound like we're five years old." William certainly complained like a five year old, and I didn't really see the difference.

The two boys stepped forward more, looking me up and down.

"Hi, Ryan," William greeted. He nudged the other boy in the side and Brendon suddenly found his voice. "Uh, hi."

I looked at my feet, knowing that if I didn't greet them back, something bad would happen."Hi."

Patrick came to my side and crouched down, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Ryan, I need to get going. Frank and Mikey's orders." Patrick sounded sad. It wasn't good when Patrick was sad. I didn't want him to be sad.

My brain suddenly went into panic once it processed what he said.

"Don't go, Patrick! Why are you going? Am I coming with you?" I didn't want to be left here. I'd be on my own and I wanted Patrick here with me. Patrick always makes things better.

"I can't, Ryan. These people are very nice people. Ryan, this is a very nice place. You need to trust them."

I shook my head, my eyes stinging with tears. I wasn't going to cry, dammit.

"No, Patrick. You can't go. You can't leave me here." I lowered my voice as the people in the room were now staring at me. I didn't like being the center of attention. It frightened me.

"Look, Ryan, I'll be coming back to visit you in a few days. I promise."

I couldn't fight him. I knew I would never win this because he's Patrick. So I settled for nodding, instead.

"Good boy, Ryan."

Once he said that, I perked up from the praise. I liked being praised.

Patrick squeezed my shoulder and stood, saying thanks and goodbye to Kate and the two police officers in the room. With one last glance, Patrick was gone. I couldn't help the tears now, and cursed at myself for being so weak. It wasn't a good look.

"Right, Ryan," Kate began, handing me a small pile of clothes. They didn't look like my normal clothes. I wanted my shorts and my black shirt. "Here are some clothes for you. I hope they fit, because you look really skinny. Also, when you're finished, dinner will be downstairs. I'm sure Brendon or William will show you where the dining room is."

I nodded and Kate left after saying something to the boys.

Then I stood there, looking completely pathetic with only a blanket wrapped around my body, holding a bundle of clothes and staring at the floor.

A boy cleared his throat and I looked up to see Brendon pointing to a closed door.

"Bathroom's that way, if you want to get changed in there."

I nodded and shuffled over to the door, stepping inside then closing it softly behind me. The bathroom was small, but it had the usual shower, toilet and sink with a mirror hanging above it.

I was standing right in front of the mirror, leaning against the door. I stepped forward to see myself more.

I almost started crying again. My whole cheek was purple from where Pete had hit me, and my eyes were red and puffy from crying. I had old scars and bruises on my face from other punishments that you could plainly see, too. The blanket covered any other wounds and my boney frame, so I was grateful for that. Looking in the mirror, it was easy to understand why Pete didn't want me anymore. Why Pete would want a girl, instead.

Sighing, I dropped the blanket and pulled on the shirt Kate had given me. It was too big and it hung off my torso like a sack. Plus it was grey. The pants were even worse. They were too long and I had to keep pulling them up, otherwise they would fall straight to the floor. I suddenly ached for my old clothes. The ones Pete had bought me. They were comfortable and made me feel good about myself, too.

A soft knock at the door disturbed me from my self-inspection.

"Dinner's ready." It sounded like Brendon.

"Uh, yeah. I'm coming." I replied, holding up my pants as I walked over to the door and opened it.

Brendon was standing there. He looked down at my pants.

"I have a belt you could use." He said with a small smile.

I hesitated, but smiled back.


patrick stump, sex, short shorts, ryan ross, pete wentz is a pedophile, abuse, mine, mikey way, william beckett, brendon urie, pete wentz, pedoness, frank iero, rape

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