MINE. (Part 7)

Jan 03, 2010 00:22

Title: MINE. (Part 7)
Author: hooray4irony
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: PETE WENTZ!, rape, abuse, sex, drugging, very short shorts, blah, blah, blah
Pairing: Ryan Ross/ Pete Wentz (later Rydon)
POV: Ryan's POV (poor soul)
Summary:"Yeah," said Pete. "I bought you these kinds of clothes because they're for boys who are growing up. I also got you..." he retrieved something else off the counter. It was a razor. "This. It's time for you to start shaving."
Disclaimer: I do not own Pete Wentz (thank fucking god!), Ryan Ross (damn) or anything else in this peverted story... Except the plot line. That is all mine!
Beta: xojemmaxo
Author Notes: Once again, I'm sorry for the violation of any minds that were once-upon-a-time sane. I also hold no responsibility for that... :P Enjoy this fic and thankyou for reading, commenting, ect.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

"Ryan. Ryan, Honey, wake up." I groaned and rolled over.

Fingers played with a lock of hair, twisting and tugging lightly. I smiled in my dreamy state.

"Come on, Darling. It's time to get up."

I groaned again in protest and rolled onto my other side. I didn't want to get up.

"Ryan. You can't stay in bed all day."

"But it's warm, and I can so." In my mind, I realised I shouldn't be disobeying one of Pete's orders, let alone speak to him like I was. However, instead of a blow to the face, I felt his lips graze my cheek, then my ear.

"Come on, Ry. Get up," he murmured. His breath ran, hot and sticky, down my neck. Pete was in a good mood today. I liked this side of him.

I hummed, content to stay. Pete kissed my bare shoulder before shaking it gently.

"You have to get up, Ryan. I bought some things for you while I was out. You're going to like them," he said.

"What is it?" I asked, without opening my eyes.

"You have to come and see," replied Pete. He kissed my lips lightly before getting out of bed and leaving the room.

The absence of body heat coaxed me into leaving the bedroom. I walked to the kitchen slowly, rubbing my eyes and the new bruise on my cheek. I glanced out the window in the hall and saw that it was morning. Then I looked down at myself and remembered I didn't have any clothes.

Oh. That hadn't been a dream.

"Pete?" I called, nervously covering myself with both hands.

"Hmm?" I heard him reply from the kitchen, closer than I thought and making me startle a little.

"I don't have any clothes, do I?"

"Nope. But I bought you something... else to wear. I like it, and I think you will too."

"O - okay, Uncle Pete." I said. I walked into the kitchen, still covering myself.

Pete glanced up at me from where he was studying something lying on the counter in front of me. "Darling, don't hide it. I've seen it before, remember?"

I remembered, all right. I felt my affection for my Uncle drop a little as I instead wrapped my arms around myself and went to him.

"I bet you want your present now, huh?" he asked. He was smiling a genuine smile. I hadn't seen him wear one for a while.

I smiled. "Maybe."

Pete turned back to the counter. I felt my smile turn into a frown as he produced a pair of really short shorts and a shirt that looked way too small.

"What..." I trailed off, trying not to sound ungracious. Instead I said, "These are different from the clothes I had before."

"Yeah," said Pete. "I bought you these kinds of clothes because they're for boys who are growing up. I also got you..." he retrieved something else off the counter. It was a razor. "This. It's time for you to start shaving."

"My face?" I asked, getting a little excited. I had often watched Pete shave his face in the bathroom mirror. It seemed like such a grown up thing to do.

"Well, yeah," said Pete. "But also, I want you to shave your legs, your underarms, and - this is very important - you need to shave your pubic hair."

"Why?" I asked. "You don't shave your legs or anything."

"Ryan, don't question me. You will shave. Okay?" Pete was becoming snappy. I didn't want his good mood to go away.

"Okay," I repeated. He still looked at me with dissatisfaction, so I added, "Thank you for my present, Uncle Pete."

He grinned at this, though it wasn't the same one as before. This was predatory. It scared me.

"Come here," he said warmly, and I hesitantly stepped into his arms. He hugged back enthusiastically, but unfortunately was mislead into thinking I wanted to make out with him, which I didn't. I couldn't find any way to avoid it, though.

Pete pressed his lips to mine in (what was meant to be) a passionate kiss, pulling me closer to his body. I could feel his arousal more easily than I would've liked against my bare thigh and needed to get away before Pete decided he needed to release his sexual tension.

"Hey, Uncle Pete?" I mumbled wetly against his mouth. He broke away and looked at me.

"What is it, honey?" he asked.

"Can I go back up to bed? I'm cold."

"Well, Baby, I was kinda hoping you'd shave, then try on your new clothes for me first. Then maybe we could go back to bed together." his words were heavy with meaning, and I could tell there was no way out of what Pete had planned.

"Here." Pete let go of me and handed me the razor, along with my new grown up clothes. I would have to ask Pete why he didn't wear clothes like the ones he had bought me later. "Go take a shower, and shave while you're in there. You do know how, don't you? From the times you watched me?"

"Um... yeah," I said uncertainly, though I'd never watched Uncle Pete shave anything other than his face.

His face arranged itself into a look of kindness. "I could show you, if you want."

"No, no," I said, backpedalling quickly. I did NOT want to take another shower with Pete. "I'll be fine, I-" I was out of the kitchen before I finished my sentence.


In the shower, I carefully picked up the razor. The metal blades shone in the artificial light. They looked like they could cut through my skin easily.

I lathered one leg up with soap, brought the razor to my calf, and promptly dropped it. Damn. I snatched it up from the bottom of the shower and quickly smoothed it up my leg, leaving a strip of hairless skin in its wake.


Shaving my legs proved to be easy. I only cut myself once, and it didn't really hurt. My blood swirled painlessly down the drain.

Next were my underarms. They were pretty easy, too, and I liked the smoothness. This shaving thing was pretty simple.

Shaving my pubic hair was harder. It was awkward. I kept cutting myself; stinging little nicks.

When the water was beginning to become cold, I hopped out of the shower. My face could probably wait; it's not as if I actually had hair there yet.

Now for my new clothes. Pete had not bought me new underwear, so I assumed not wearing any was part of growing up. Pete never did. I picked up the shorts from where I had placed them on the bathroom counter and examined them. They looked like they should be worn by a girl, but Pete said they were for boys who were growing up, so they must be. Pete wouldn't be wrong. The tag on the inside of the shorts was pink. It had hearts on it, and writing, but I couldn't read it.

Shrugging, I swallowed down my indecision and pulled the shorts on. They were tight. The bottoms of the shorts ended mid - thigh. They were very short. I turned and admired myself. I looked good, I decided. I felt good, too.

I pulled on the shirt next. It was also really tight. The neck was cut in two lines, that started at my shoulders and intersected right between my nipples. The shirt was black. The sleeves ended at my wrists. I spun around in front of the mirror.

Yeah. I looked good.


When I entered the bedroom, I was eager to show off my new clothes. I hoped Pete would tell me I looked beautiful, like he used to.

He was lying on the bed on his back. He glanced at me when I entered, and a huge smile broke over his face.

"Ryan," he breathed. He gestured for me to come closer, outstretching his hand to me. I picked my way over, stepping high over the carpet. Pete's eyes were warm. He looked proud.

"Baby, you look so pretty," he said. I felt myself blush a little from his praise and his awed look. He brought his hand up to stroke my face. Then his eyes clouded over.

"You didn't shave your face, did you?" he asked, his voice sharp. I flinched away from his hand, afraid of getting hit.

"I - I -" I said the first thing that came into my head. "I... didn't want to keep you waiting, so I.... thought I'd shave my face tomorrow, " I said apologetically. I had just lied to Pete. Again. I figured as long as he didn't find out, I'd be alright.

"Oh," said Pete. "Okay." His eyes were less cloudy; the storm had passed.

"You shaved everything else, though?" he asked, glancing down at my legs.

I nodded, lifting up a leg to prove my point.

Pete ran a hand over my hairless skin. It was smooth and not a hair was in sight.

He smiled.

"And under your arms?" he asked, not looking up from my leg.

I nodded again, about to lift my arm up but realising that it was covered with the sleeves.

Pete then stared up at me, his face about as serious as his voice.

"What about your pubic hair?"

I was about to nod a third time, but Pete pulled me onto the bed with him. He straddled my legs and swiftly pulled the shorts down. Then he smiled at me.

"Good boy," he praised, leaning down to kiss the smooth skin where my pubic hair used to be.

Instead of moving down like I thought he would, he moved back up my body, raising my shirt and kissing every exposed bit of skin.

Pete kept crawling up my torso, each time revealing more and more of my body.

"Lets see those underarms," he muttered, pulling my shirt over my head and throwing it on the floor. I had a feeling this won't end very well.

Pete moaned as he brushed his lips over the skin under neath my arms. I was sweating slightly, so I thought this was rather gross.

"God, Ryan. That shirt looked good on you, but it looks even better off. So do the shorts. Your ass looked so sexy in those."

I knew that Pete was not going to stop at the dodgy 'seduction' lines, and that thought was another thing that settled at the pit of my stomach as my uncle once again used my body to release his sexual tension.

I didn't feel beautiful anymore.
Comments? *thumbs up*

fall out boy, patrick stump, ryan ross, panic at the disco, pairing, pete wentz is a pedophile, abuse, raaaaaaaaape, mine, pete wentz, drugging, rape

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