New shoes, new job

Jul 26, 2021 22:36

 It's been a long couple of weeks since the European Championship final. I spent the night at Dad's "sleeping" on 2 arm chairs pushed togethervand waiting for an out of hours GP, who turned up at 3am. Dad was diagnosed with a UTI and I left the next morning to find someone has managed to knock a temporary road sign through the bqck window of my car.

Fast forward 2 weeks which have included a birthday, a couple of days in That London, a new telly a few days off to finally (FINALLY) clear out Dad's house, a day's emergency leave and Dad spending a night trapped after falling into his bath. He's currently in hospital with an unexpected chest infectiom - I suppose  being stuck for12 hours and struggling to breath has some downsides - but is eating more than he has for a while.

I was back at work and mostly dog tired after getting home at 10.45 and putting the laundry on before collapsing into my pit. Before I went away, I saw a couple of pairs of shoes in the Ckark's sale. I went in at lunchtime and although the sale racks had gone, they still had what I wanted. So I bought a pair of blue shoes like my current black work shoes and some blue nubuck boots for £75, less 9%. Bargain.

After a pair of Teams meetings, the Finance Manager came up to tell me the results of two interviews I had last week. Despite being woefully under prepared due to making sure Dad was eating and ready for bed, they decided to offer me a job as the new Senior Finance Business Partner for Collection Fund and Treasury (longest job title I've ever had). I'm pretty chuffed, as I know I didn't necessarily perform at my best, but the experience I have in dealing with data migration and implementing new systems clinched it.  I'm also sad to be leaving Audit, potentially leaving my boss a bit screwed, just as the CFO decided an externally hosted shared audit service is a pointless pile of cack not the best option for good governance and assurance. I could have (and did)  told anyone who asked this 2 years ago. I was quite vocal about it at several Q&As with the project board. But the planned reorg of audit will be at least 6 months in the planning and if someone wants to give me a job 2 grades higher than my current one now, why would I hang around to see what might be on offer after Christmas. This job will have a major impact on my earnings in the 11 years to retirement, not to mention the boost to my pension.

After work I went to visit a new local care home. We're of the opinion that Dad is going to need residential care sooner rather than later and as long as he's close to one if us, there's no reason for him not to be here. It's a simple 15 minute walk from my house and, if he's fit to go out, he can visit my allotment.

I'm dog tired. I haven't unpacked the car and I have a 50" telly sitting in the middle of my living room. But it's been a reasonable day and I have new shoes and a new job, and Team GB won a bucketload of medals today. The Yorkshire contingent are doing well in Tokyo, so we'll take that as a Win.

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