Who's bright idea was that, then???

Jun 03, 2021 00:51

 I'm NIW this week. The idea was to get down to the allotment and start the work I should have done 3 months ago. But as the last 3 months have been mostly wet when I was available, the work hasn't happened. And as I'm currently knitting baby outfits, it hasn't happened this week either.

I had to go for a blood test thismorning. I had it in my brain that the blood tesf was Tuesday. But as it didn't happen yesterday, today must be Tuesday. As I was walking down to the surgery, former Mrs End of the Block texted to say she qas painting her fence and did I want to drop round for a cuppa in her garden. For some reason, I managed to get roped in to play walking football at lunchtime, so by the time my test was delayed 15 minutes, I only managed a half hour visit before I had to get home and change.

An hour of walking football in the midday sun was a killer. Apart from my friend Hazel, I was probably the youngest there and I was struggling. There were only 9 of us and I'm told it's easier with more players. By the time I got home, my knee had pretty much gone on strike and I had to have a bit of a nap after lunch. They've asked if I'd like to play again. I would, but the times don't fit with my work ljnchtime and I'd need to take the car and shower afterwards. And I'd probably not be much use for the rest of the day.

On the knitting front, I've almost finished the second of 4 cardigans. One of the guys at work had a baby girl yesterday and I'm trying to adapt patterns to make Avengers onesies. I have a Captain Marvel logo I need to incorporate into a pattern, amd then sort out Iron Man, Captain America and Hulk. Now that I've got the hang of knitting in the round, I'm trying to make all the patterns that way as far as possible to save on sewing up afterwards.

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