Just been to see BttF Pt 2. It's very interesting to see how these films have aged and watching them with the benefit of knowledge of the actual future. As anyone who ever saw the first films said - "Where are our flying cars?"
In Pt 2, Future Biff from the end of Pt 1 goes back to give his old self - Young Biff from Pt1 - a book that will change his future and everyone else's. Biff gets rich and turns Hill Valley into everyone else's idea of a nightmare. He turns the old courthouse into a casino and welcomes all the rednecks, bikers and Hell's Angels to the town. And he's married to Lorraine, who now has a hugely inflated chest because he paid for it.
Looking at Biff's Pleasure Palace in the alternate 2015, with it's penthouse and overendowed wife, and seeing all the stories of how Biff made it big, I couldn't help wondering whether if Marty hadn't managed to get the almanac back, would Alternate Biff have run for President in 2016 and made it to the White House. He's got the haircut for it. It's a good job Marty and his siblings didn't turn into Eric, Don Jr and Ivanka.
Right at the end of the movie are the trailers for Pt 3 - the two films were made back to back - coming in Summer 1990. I saw it in Paris, where I'd gone to celebrate my 30th birthday. In those days, a lot of films weren't dubbed, so I saw it in English with French subtitles. I thought the translation added to the comedy.
If I could go back in time 30 years, what would I tell my past self? Would I want to change how things turned out?
Like Doc says, it's really best not to know about your own future. Bits of it may have been / be pretty crappy, but what would the alternate version have turned out like if I'd changed something along the way? Maybe I need to go back to the Wild West to find out.
I'm seeing Part 3 tomorrow, then Notting Hill (20th anniversary re-release) on Friday, Batman Begins on Sunday and The Terminator on Wednesday (and then Terminator 2 when I can book that). I'm loving seeing all of these on the big screen again. It really is soooooo much better than watching them on a telly at home.
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