I'm really not feeling like work this week. I got to go into the office yesterday afternoon to do some checking of company details, so at least I got out of the house for a while.
I bought a new PC three or four years ago, and never got round to setting it up because I couldn't get to my desk and therefore sat on the sofa with my laptop and the desktop was redundant. As I have managed to buy a new monitor - pretty much anything affordable under 27" has been sold out for the last 6 weeks - and it was delivered yesterday, I got the PC out of its box and have set it up.
The plan is to use the docking station and a switch to be able to leave the peripherals all plugged in and then be able to swap between the desktop and laptop at will. As ever, things have taken slightly longer than expected to get set up. I am back with the laptop this morning, but at least have 2 decent sized displays to work on. But W10 is doing its thing and cycling the displays like crazy (partly because I am trying to read my personal mail on one and have the work VPN open on the other and it's having a bit of a hissy fit. But if our work VPN wasn't so fucking shite (technical term) and our IT department weren't intent on being as negative as possible (I've worked with a lot of IT people, I know exactly what level of painful, difficult or just plain contrary every interaction falls into) things might be slightly less of a PITA.
I've realised that I need to plug the docking station directly into the desktop to get it to register the settings first, before I can introduce the switch to the occasion. As I'm currently at about -53% efficient on a work front this morning - I have answered several emails and made a phone call, but I have done nothing on the audit I'm supposed to be finishing off - I shall probably do this over "lunchtime", then go out for a walk. Then, when I get back, I shall sit and do SFA for the rest of the afternoon. I'm just glad Friday is a bank holiday and I don't have to pretend to be doing anything constructive for work.
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