The best around, no one’s ever gonna keep me down...

Aug 12, 2007 04:45

so i find myself eating a packaged brownie, in my underwear, watching the karate kid, as my oliver suckles his froggie away on the eve of my first class at the ucb theater.
yes, kathryn and i enrolled in an improv class at UCB and tomorrow is our first class, and i am nervous.
to say the least.
kathryn says i'm funny, as do many others, but i'm still nervous.
i'm sure i'll be fine in the end, but after going to all these improv shows lately, i feel like i'm going to have a hard time.
that i'll just blank when i get up there or something, that i'll just mutter nothingness and fade into the back, etc etc.
but at the same time i think i'll be pretty swell too.
i'm still somewhat in a shell.
sure, it's not nearly as thick as it used to be, but i can still be quite a shy boy.
i suppose i thought this would help finally crack the shell for good and let me meet all sorts of new people.
and perhaps it'll also lead to more opportunities in my silly life.
so yeah, i'm scared, i'm excited.
it's 8 weeks long, every sunday, culminating with a class performance on a saturday afternoon, perhaps some of you peoples will be there.
and laugh.

i saw an odd trio of kids on the subway the other day sitting next to an older man who couldn't have come across as having less of a concern for what they were doing, probably ever.
so here they were, 2 girls(maybe 8&10) and a shirtless boy(maybe 4-5), who had a gold chain around his neck.
which held his pacifier, obviously.
so the girls were playing some game, i didn't quite grasp the rules, they took the other hand and went through their fingers saying something on each finger, and then taking that finger and bending it or pulling it until it hurt?
and then the other would do it..
at one point i'm pretty sure the younger girl was going finger to finger saying "crack, whore, crack..."...
then they did it to the little boy and bent his finger back.
but these kids would cringe in pain and then laugh about it.
crack whores, i get.
but this behavior?
not at all.....
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