bitch ruined the best ms pac man game of my life last night.

Aug 06, 2007 11:00

i heart ms pac man, it's a main reason i venture to barcade.
and i've never gotten over 90k, nevermind 100k.
so the other night i was hanging laundry and randomly texted kathryn, "cunt" and she called up being all like, "bitch, i'm outside yo house, let's roll." and i was all like, "ok!".
so we hit up barcade, and i'm rockin' ms pac man like i've never rocked ms pac man before, i break 90k on my last woman, 100k is in SIGHT, i can SMELL it, when all of a sudden from behind me this woman starts freaking out!
cursing, slamming, angerily screaming and just overall mistreating a machine and  being quite obnoxious about the whole thing.
and get this, over FROGGER of all games.
needless to say, but this distracted me greatly and i got eaten up at 95k.
oh, what could have been...

i had a pretty nifty weekend, i must say.
i also feel a lil like a kleptomaniac, go figure.
friday evening natalie invited me to this bbq which was most conveniently located down the block from me.
we figured on having a beer and staying a half hour or so.
which turned into a few hours, various other beverages and assorted people.
like the guy i half-cocked my head at in the kitchen out of possible recognition before we both realized we had gone to school together.
at which point i immediately regretted making that eye contact...
i successfully avoided him after our forced mini converse and his many invites to "come on out side man!"," you're not leaving already man, are you? come outside!"...
among other highlights of the evening include me breaking the ice with yet another 'sarah' by elbowing her square in the head, helping myself to both a single chopstick & a Mr. T magnet off the fridge and capping off my evening (which at the time seemed like an amazing idea) with a microwaved hot dog with a cold single serve slice of american cheese on top for good measure after just drinking some beer, jack and a never ending vodka based beverage.
the hot dog made a repeat performance in the am.

thus bringing me to saturday and the lovely sarah reyes' birthday weekend extravaganza!
which was a hoot and a half.
i also got to give her her christmas gifts, which was super as i wrapped them back in december and actually had no idea what i had even bought her by now...
but yeah, generally i had a super time with her, her family/friends and her animals.
odin's the best doberman, for sure!
and their 3 week old kitten is to die for.
milo's kind of a bitch though *shrugs*
ashley & mike were super too.
+ i pocketed a fairly nifty 70's lookin' knife at the diner, a continuation of my thieving weekend.

oh, and question of the month?
when i ordered a veggie burger not too long ago i was asked...
"and how would you like that cooked?"
after staring blankly at him for a few seconds i simply answered,
"umm... cooked."
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