Dec 02, 2004 15:40
I really didn't start my day off too good because b4 homeroom kayla was kicking the back of my leg and i fell and fell onto leigh ann where her pencil cut my finger :(...Ya it was bad..AND I BLED TOO! lol..But ya then 1st period when we were playing that tukey tag or w.e that shit is called Rachel Rogers grabbed my belt thing and ribbed my thong off!!!!!!!! UGHHH it sucked like everyone saw, it was SO embarassing!!!!! But lol everyone was talking about it, it was funny. Nothing went on in Englsih but people talking about my " thong " story..and like Rachel Rogers was in my class so like I was all DONT TALK TO EHR SHE RIPPS THONGS! and Mike walker was like " YOU CAN RIP MY THONG OFF IF YOU WANT TO" lmaoo. It was hilarious. Wowwww...Uhm in chorus it was boring as usual but when I went to go throw away my chip bag lol, I went to sit down and missed the chair and felll. :(..Geez I had a crappy day..But at lunch everything got betta.
Ok at lunch I sat with Alexis, Danielle, Paige, and Britney. It was awsome. Alexis had to go to Miss. Burrows room to get cheer papers so we asked Mr. Karcz and he wouldn't let me, so I was like NO PLEASEE! and he was like if you can do a cartwheel I'll let you, so right in front of the cafeteria I did a cartwheel. Lol. I don't know if a lot of people sawe but some did. It was funny.! And uhm the rest of the day was like the same as usual.....more talk about my thong..and I left early to go get my physicle..
=( ...Okay I wiegh 111 lbs!! IM SO GOING ON A DIET..OK YA IM SKIINY BUT STILL 111??? THATS SO MUCH!.and I am 5'3 3/4 I guess thats alright?? Thank god Im not like SUPER SUPER Well ya.. Okay.. Leave em or I will so not post anymore !