♥ BeGiNnInG!!!♥
What time is it: 6:00
What is the date: november 30
♥ InFoRmAtIoN!!!&hearts
Name: Nikkie
Age: 13
Sex: Female
Birthday: March 26 1991
Where do you live: Oakdale
Where else have you lived: Hawaii, Guam, Cali and soon to be Goergia
Zodiac Sign: Aries
What school do you go to: West A
What are your school colors: Red and Grey
What year are you: 8th
Nicknames: Nikkie Durr, Nemo, Nicole, ...do I have anymore?
Do you have any other screen names: pshh ya but there like so old
What are they: DarkxRegina, SuperSexy69, Nikkie xdurr, Nikkielovesxyou..pshh so many more..lol
Where were you born: Mckees Rocks
What hospital: Ohio Valley
What are your hobbies: Shopping, hanging with my chicks 8-)
Are you religious: Kinda
What religion are you: Christian Catholic- ISH
Hair color: Dark Brown
Ever died your hair: Uh huh
What color: Blonde Highlights, And tried to go blonde.lol didn't work out
Hair length: A little over my shoulders
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'3
Weight: 106
Have any pets: Yupp
Whats their names: Mr. Meow
Siblings: Ya
Names and age: Jamie, 18
What do you fear most in the world: Getting killed
What do you regret the most: Too many...SORRY MARIE I STOLE YOUR MONEY :-X $$
Do you have braces: Ew ya :-x
Do you have glasses: Nope
Are you good at school: Some classes
Shoe size: 6 1/2 -7
♥ FaVoRiTeS!!!♥
Car: Hummer H2
Color car: Red or Black
Color: Pink
Teacher: Ms. Killen
Class: Social Studies
Day of the week and why: Saturday, because no school and I can do w.e the fuck I want
Holiday: My birthday or valentines day
Season: Summer
Month: March..February
Fruit: Bananas
Veggie: Ew I hate veggies
Movie: Mean Girls
Actress: Lindsey Lohan..shes so pretty
Actor: Chad Michael Murray
T.V. show: laguna beach, Battle of the sexes
Web site: Uhh...I dunno
Food: Chichen Wings..HOT
Drink: Sprite..or Sweet tea
Band: Uhm Green Day?
Male singer: Usher
Female singer: Ciara
Animal: Monkey
Store: Hollister
E-mail buddy: Leigh
Joke: I like yo mama jokes
Saying: BOO, you whore
Word: No durr
Brand of shoes: Etnies
Radio station: 106.7
Room in your house: My room
Concert you have been to: The back to school bash
CD: Uhh
Book: The child called it
Vacation spot: Cali
Flower: Rose
♥ what do you think of when you hear..?♥
Banana: Bite
Bill: and Bob?
Britney: Spears
Lamb: Chop
Bubba: A fat black dude
Victoria: Secret
Dildo: Fake penis
Ass: Fucker
Shadow: Ashlee Simpson
Beep Beep: Moo mooo
Moo: Cow
Bambi: My nickname from my daddy
Spend most time with: Leigh
Best house: Leigh
Funniest: Rachel
Smartest: Pshh Amy
Hottest: Nate
Strongest: Steve
Most athletic: Olet
Knows you the best: Brandon
Most outgoing: Rachel
Most shy: I dont hang with shy people
Always negative: Karie..lol
Which one let the dogs out: Uhh me?
Most trustworthy: Rachel H.
Most fun to be with: Leigh
Biggest flirt: Emily
Best dressed: Leigh
Best eyes: Nate
Most depressed: Paige
One to gossip with: Leigh
Sweetest: Leigh
Most annoying: Britney
Who follows you: Britney
Who do you follow: Rachel H.
Who do you pretend to like but cant stand: .....***** <3
Do you make friends easily: Yeah
Are you intimidated by any of your friends: Uhmm I dunno
If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would u want to be there with u: Leigh
Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: Uhmm Leigh
Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: No one..lol
Who is the most popular: Deidre
Who is the most unpopular: Britney
Who do u want to go to college with: Nate ;)
Who do u wish could be part of your family: Leigh
Who is the biggest junk food junkie: LEIGH!..and Karie!
Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: Uhmm I dunno
Who do u think has the nicest siblings: I dunno?
Who do u think has the nicest mom: Leigh Annes....hahaha?
Who do u think has the nicest dad: My dad
Who do you have the most inside jokes with: Karie
♥ThIs oR ThAT♥
Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner
Day or Night: Night
Radio or Cd's: CD's
Internet or Phone: internet
N'sync or BSB: Ew None
Happy or sad: H*A*P*P*Y
Sexy or Cute: Sexy
Tuff or wimpy: Tuff? Duh
Funny or hilarious: Hilarious
Summer or winter: Summer..who ever heard of winter lovin?
Love or lust: Love
Friends or family: Friends
Car or truck: Truck
Dog or cat: Cat..im a kitty cat, and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance..lol leigh
Give or receive: Recieve
Walk or run: Walk
Inside or outside: Outside
Back or front: Front
Hurricane or Tornado: Tornado
Thunder or lightning: Thunder
Rain or snow: Snow
Hail or sleet: HAil
sunny or cloudy: Sunny
Loud or quiet: Loud
hard or soft: Hard ;)
Mcdonalds or Burger king: Burger King
Rebel or goodie goodie: Rebel
Coffee or tea: Tea
Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
White chocolate or normal chocolate: Normal
Britney or Christina: Christina
Black or white: White
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Diary or journal: Journal
Writing or typing: Typing
Cold or hot: Hot
Pen or pencil: Pencil
Candle or insence: Candle
Plain paper or lined paper: Lined
Curly or straight: Straight
Blanket or sleeping bag: Blanket
Shower or bath: Shower
Body wash or soap: Body wash
Purfume or Body spray: Body Spray
Hamburgers or hotdogs: Hamburgers
Chicken or turkey: Chicken
Shorts or pants: Pants
Tank tops or t-shirts: Both
Rich and dumb or Poor and smart: Rich and dumb
Markers or colored pencils: Markers
Nike or Adidas: Nike
Mercedes or BMW: Mercedes
Army or Navy: Army
Orange or grape: Grape
Lime or lemon: Lemon
Striped or plaid: Both
Land or water: Land
Skittles or M&M's: Skittles
Truth or dare: Dare
East or west: East
North or south: North
etterman or leno: Leno
SNL or mad tv: Mad TV
Drummers or guitar players: Drummers
♥ lOvE LiFe!! ♥
Do you have a crush: Ya
Whats his or her name: Nate
How old are they: 12 :-x
How long have you liked him or her: Since October like 3
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: Uhmm Chad Michael Murray
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: Derek =x
What is the biggest turn off: Horniness
What is the biggest turn on: Making me laugh
Do you think there is a person for everyone: No
If yes, do you know who yours is: Ya
Do you believe in love at first sight: Ya
Have you ever been in love: I dunno
What do you think love is: Something that you feel
Do you have a b/f or g/f: Nope
Do you want one: um, Not really
How long have you been together: ???
What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: Everything
When was your first kiss: Uhhh..like way back in preschool.lol
First grade teacher's name: I forgot
Last word you said: Whatever
Last song you sang: I like big butts
Last meal you ate: Salmon
Favorite childhood cartoon: Big Comfy couch
What did you hate most about school: Homework
Last song stuck in your head: Cant touch this
What line/verse: Stop, Hammer time
Last time you were burned: Uhh, I forgot
How: I dunno
Last time you bled: I dunno
Favorite game show as a child: Tag
♥ PrEsEnT ♥
What's in your CD player: I dunno
What color sox are you wearing: White
What's under your bed: Boxes
What's the weather like: Cold
What is on your wall calender: Kittens
Magnetic Poetry: ?? Huh
What time did you wake up today: 7:30
Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: Earlier
Who do you want to marry: I dunno
Are you going to college: Ya
If so, how long do you want to go: ? I dunno
Where do you want to go: I dunno
What is your career going to be: I dunno
Where are you going to live: Hollwood, in Beverly Hills
How many kids do you want: 1
Kids names girls: Paris
Kids names boys: Nathan
Where do you want your honeymoon: Hawaii
What kind of car will you have: Hummer =)
What kind of house will you have: Mansion
♥ HaVe U EvEr ♥
Smoked: No
Been Drunk: No
Been high: No
Done drugs: No
Had sex: No
Skinny dipped: Ya
Partied until the sun came up: Ya
Stole: DUH
Stayed up all night on the internet: No
Met someone off the internet (in person): No
Cried over a guy/girl: Ya
Been in a fist fight: No
Been in a cat fight: No
Wanted to kill someone: Ya
Fell off a chair: Ya
Kissed the same sex: No
Had feelings for the same sex: Oh ya let me tell you
Lap danced: Ya
♥ OtHeR ♥
Do you belive in the horoscopes: Nope
Do you like your handwriting: Sometimes
If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: Me because I'm so cool
What superhero would you be: Super Man
Do you have any piercings: Ya
Any tattoos: Nope
If so where: ?
If not, where and what do you want: Lower back
Are you picky: Psh ya
What makes you cry: A lot of things
What makes you mad: STuff
What do you think of Eminem: EW
Who do you admire: My dad
Do you like cartoons: Ya
Do you believe in heaven: Yup
Do you believe in God: Ya
Do you think there is a hell: Ya
Do you believe in the devil: Ya
What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Paris
What did you do today: Went to the airport and went home to gay pittsburgh
Where do you work: No where
Do you even have a job you lazy bum: Nope
Are your 'rents lame: Ya..I don't like my g-ma
Do you own a miniskirt: Ya like 10
Do you floss: Hah no
What is the farthest your have traveled: I dunno Quam?
Who is a Diva: U ;)
What kind of shampoo do you use: Paul Mitchell
What about conditioner: Paul Mitchell
Do you use big words to sound smart: Yes, but I don't use them right
When you get mad, do you swear a lot: Ya
Got milk: Uhm no
Do you have a magic 8 ball: No
Name something that comes in threes: Tricycle
Ever worn black nail polish: Ya
Do you have hairy arms: No I shave
How many sheets are on your bed: 6
Do you have your own tv and vcr: Ya
Do you believe in fate: Ya
Do you see dead people: Yup all the time
Are you a good speller: Yaaa
What is your lucky charm: I love that cereal
Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: Wow that's confusing
Do you like little kids: Ya
Are you talented: Sure
If so, how: ;) ;)..no just kidding..Uhm I can sing
Ever hugged a tree: No
Do you watch the weather channl while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: Uhm no?
Do you ever steal anything from hotels: Ya
Ever seen a ghost: YA
How about an alien: Uhm no
Do you beleive in either of them: Ghosts I do, aliens..uhm no?
What time is it: 7:15