Old Bones Upon the Mountain Shake [Part 1], Dean (well, zombie!Dean)

Apr 16, 2013 02:10

Title: Old Bones Upon the Mountain Shake
Genre: H/C, AU
Rating: R for language/violence (?)
Spoilers: Upto Season 5.
Word Count: ~1500
Warnings: Graphic violence, zombies, BRAINS. (Also, BIRDS) Off screen character "death"
Summary: A day ago, or maybe a week, or maybe it’s a year- who was keeping tabs anymore?-he didn’t know things about guns, nor words, nor anything. No name, no aim, no consciousness. Basically, zombies, zombie-apocalypse, brain munching (off screen!).

Notes: This is my first ever fic, and I didn't mean for it to turn out into a multi-part story which it seems to be turning into and apparently I just can't do short. Inspired by this prompt for the recent Dean focused h/c comment fic meme at hoodie_time (prompted by princess_aleera) which asked for a Warm Bodies type of zombie!Dean and a zombie!apocalypse.

click here for fic

[genre» other: au/ar], supernatural illness, [setting: season 05], &fic, [genre: gen], [genre» other: apoca!fic], delirium, [genre» other: dark/horror]

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