SPN FIC - Some Nights There's Fire in the Sky

Apr 14, 2013 21:41

Bored with hanging around the Batcave while Sam does his research, Dean takes one of his frequent trips to Warsaw, Missouri to check on Kevin. Most of the time, that's a quick "out and back." This time, however, he runs into a little glitch. As in, a demon who's disgruntled over what happened to Abaddon, and figures kicking the s*** out of a Winchester is a good way to express his feelings.

CHARACTERS: Sam and Dean
GENRE: Gen (Hurt!Dean)
LENGTH: 3556 words

( Some Nights There's Fire in the Sky )

wound-tending, dislocation, [character: sam], fainting/collapse, carried!dean, [setting: season 08], concussion/head trauma, cuts/lacerations, mobility issues, &fic, [genre: gen], bruises/bruising

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