REC SEARCH #8: DEAN + LISA (Dean/Lisa, Sam/Dean, gen)

Oct 01, 2012 23:24

Rec Search Results:
Hidden Gems

The 411 on Rec Searches:

For fun, a mod will occasionally put together one of these rec searches. (You can still make your own rec post at any time, fyi.) Rec search info and a rec search masterlist can be found HERE, and you can leave any suggestions for types of rec searches you would like to see there.

These recs were compiled from our last rec search. The theme of the rec search was 'Dean + Lisa'.

To everyone who participated, thanks for your recs! And if missed the rec search post but know some great fanworks that involve Dean and Lisa, don't hesitate to link them in the comments. :)

Title: When You Wake Up To This
Author: kalliel
Tags: amnesia/memory loss
Characters: Lisa, Sam, Ben, Dean Smith, Dean, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Lisa/Dean Smith (ish), Dean/Lisa, sort of Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2900
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Post-6x21 "Let it Bleed" AU: Castiel wipes someone else's memory. Sam, Ben, and Lisa celebrate Christmas with the consequences.
Reccer’s comments: This fic is incredibly beautiful. It's one of the most well written fics I've ever had the pleasure of reading. The author does such a wonderful job with Lisa's voice especially, and what their relationship was to her.

Title: Thrilling Heroics
Author: kalliel
Tags: grief, alcoholism
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: none/gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: You can't make heroes out of parents.
Reccer’s comments: This one is short but it's so good. Lisa is awesome in it, and I really love the way it's written, especially regarding Dean's issues.

Title: Leave All Your Love and Your Longing Behind
Author: spiceblueeyes
Tags: grief, dean's deal
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 28k
Spoilers: Season 3
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: What if, after leaving Lisa and Ben at the beginning of season 3, Dean had changed his mind and turned back around. What would happen then?
Reccer’s comments: This is an AU of season 3 after "The Kids Are Alright", where Dean finds out that Ben is actually his son, so Dean and Sam decide to stay. They still hunt, but have their home with Lisa and Ben as a home base. This is the best story including Lisa & Ben that I've read. I love the fact that Sam's there too, and the four of them (plus the occasional Bobby!) are all a family together. Plus there's angst over Dean going to hell.

Title: Undeserved Truth
Author: borgmama1of5
Tags: PTSD, grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 300
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: “I don’t deserve you.”
Reccer’s comments: Sad and brief but packs a punch.

Title: 1/24/11
Author: borgmama1of5
Tags: PTSD, grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 930
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean's 32nd Birthday
Reccer’s comments: Dean's birthday during the 'missing year'. His first normal birthday since he was four. Need I say more?

Title: Ferris Wheel
Author: destro
Tags: alcoholism, grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: It’s not escaping Lisa, is all, what Dean is trying to do, his masterclass in leaving the smallest possible footprint in someone else’s life.
Reccer’s comments: Okay, so this isn't a massively hurt!Dean story, but his grief over losing Sam underlies everything, and it's just so sweet and hot and has a super great Lisa POV, it's one of my favorite Dean/Lisa stories. It has wonderful insights into Dean and Lisa and their relationship.

Title: Ease The Dawn
Author: kalymnos
Tags: blood-loss, broken bone/fracture
Characters: Dean, Sam, Lisa
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2500
Spoilers: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean accidentally calls Lisa after a hunt gone wrong.
Reccer’s comments: Yes, this is a fill for my own prompt but it's worthy of a rec. It's in the near future, and Dean's hurt and at the end of his rope and canon still holds true. But the author does an amazing job of presenting a plausible scenario and fitting Lisa back into the fold and making things right again. Also? Best Lisa voice ever.
Reccer’s comments II: A brilliant and original Dean & Lisa fic. You have to check this one out!

Title: Breathe!
Artist: annartism
Tags: anxiety/panic attack, counseling/therapy, emotional pain/hurt, grief, psychological damage/broken!dean, someone helps dean, yoga.
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean and Lisa doing yoga.
Reccer’s comments: The coloring here is amazing - it's dark and fits in with Dean's obvious grief and pain, but at the same time there's such a bright spotlight on Lisa and the juxtaposition of Lisa being wide-eyed and leaning into a tense, wound-up Dean physical space is breathtaking. There's such a clear contrast between the two but it rings so realistic and warm and solid. Also? Lisa's hair rocks.
Reccer’s comments II: Their touching foreheads, omg. <333 Lisa teaching Dean yoga during that missing year is totally part of my head-canon, and I love this so very much.

Title: The Safest Place
Author: anon
Tags: abandonment issues, amnesia/memory loss, depression, dissociation/dissociative disorder, emotional pain/hurt, grief, mental breakdown, mental illness psychological damage/broken!dean, ptsd, someone helps dean, stress
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: Mental illness.
Summary/Prompt: Post-5.22, semi-AU. Sam took his Swan dive; Bobby didn't make it. Dean keeps his promise and goes back to Lisa's. Predictably, things start falling apart once he's out of harm's way.
Reccer’s comments: One of the rawest, most realistic views of how difficult it must've been for Lisa to live with someone like Dean. This fic is locked tightly on Dean and Dean's pain and dissociation here is painful. One can sense his struggle, how much he tries his best and how he just.... CAN'T. Lisa, though, is warm and solid and forgiving and is utterly out of her depth. However, what makes this fic stand out is that it is as much Lisa's story as Dean's and one aches for her almost as much as Dean.
Reccer’s comments II: Okay, so dissociation is one of my fave types of h/c to read when it comes to Dean. That sounds weird. Um. Anyway, I really love the treatment of it here. This was achy and well-done.

Title: The Many Deaths Of The Winchester Brothers
Author: kettle-o-fish
Tags: abandonment issues, addiction, alcoholism, depression, dizziness/vertigo, emotional pain/hurt, exhaustion, grief, hungover, insecurities (misc./other/uncategorized), intoxication/altered state, nausea/vomiting, pain, psychological damage/broken!dean, ptsd, self-esteem issues, someone helps dean, stress, substance abuse (alcohol)
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: none
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 3500
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Coda to 5.22. Dean is having a rough time adjusting to civilian life. I know, I'm late to the party.
Reccer’s comments: This is one of the few fics that leave me feeling as though this is exactly as it must’ve been and details why the Dean/Lisa dynamic worked so well. This Dean is not well adjusted or happy. He is angry, hurt, bitter and grieving. This is a Dean who does not take to civilian life and the way he deals with it is utterly believable. But Lisa is solid and awesome and no-nonsense and utterly perfect for him.

Title: We start and end with family
Author: real-funky-town
Tags: grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Two years after losing his brother, Dean has settled down and started a new family, but he’s never forgotten the family he left behind and his past has not forgotten him.
Reccer’s comments: I really don't know what happens, but it's in my bookmarks so it's gotta be pretty great, and it's tagged "Hurt!Dean" - so there's gotta be some injury. I clearly remember liking this, a lot.

Title: Tir na nÔg
Author: bellatemple
Tags: abduction
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben, Bobby
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: R
Word-count: 50k
Spoilers: up to Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: When Ben gets abducted by fairies, Dean heads out to get himself taken as well, hoping that he can locate Ben and bring him back. He quickly discovers he's in way over his head as the sidhe throw him in the dungeons. Meanwhile, back in the human world, Bobby has his hands full trying to keep the fairies from destroying the town, and a soulless Sam from blocking Dean and the Braedens' route home.
Reccer’s comments: Very good story about the journey through Underhill, the battles fought and the interesting characters Dean met. It's damn well-written and fun and sad all at once, especially the cold that's seeping through the words from soulless Sam.

Title: The Righteous with the Wicked
Author: Mirrordance
Tags: grief, alcoholism,
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 8722
Spoilers: n/a
Warnings: up to Season 5
Summary/Prompt: Dean is finding it hard to survive survivor's guilt. Set after Swan Song.
Reccer’s comments: This is one of the best - if not THE best (for me) - tag for Swan Song that focuses on Dean living with Lisa and Ben. After the start of s6 and the remark "I was a mess, most of the time" it is still so possible. It's painful, sad and it gets you, right where it hurts most. Damn...
Reccer’s comments II: In which Dean's survivor's guilt is threatening to eat him up. This is a great portrayal of PTSD, very in character.

Title: Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
Author: BlackIceWitch
Tags: grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 38k
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: From the end of SWAN SONG S5 to the beginning of EXILE ON MAIN STREET S6 . Dean's year with Lisa and Ben.
Reccer’s comments: Love this story, it's one of my favourite 'missing year' fics - it deals with Dean trying to come to terms with Sam being gone and trying to fit in and be comfortable with his new, normal life with Lisa and Ben.

Title: Wonderful and Shine
Author: honeylocusttree
Tags: grief, alcoholism, ptsd, psychological damage/broken!dean
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean's doing great, thanks for asking. (Post-5.22, Dean and Dean's PTSD.)
Reccer’s comments: These are two of my favourite fics by this author. They deal with what happens directly after 5x22. They're about Dean, and his issues, and how Lisa is trying but he is still very much not all right. Dean's narration is almost surreal in its disconnect from reality.
Reccer’s comments II: A beautifully written set of stories about Dean unravelling post 5x22, and Lisa doing her best. These are gorgeous and really realistic, I think. The writing is restrained, yet visceral at the same time.

Title: the inevitable zombie apocalypse (but never any zombies)
Author: claudiapriscus
Tags: broken bone/fracture, hospitalization, self-esteem issues
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 5000
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: It's on the news again, squeezed in between a cultural segment on Día de los Muertos and the weather report, but he's not going to think about it.
Reccer’s comments: This is a neat fic that takes place, again, when Dean is with Lisa. He sees suspicious things on the news, and can't really stand polite society, and manages to crash Lisa's car. Cas makes a cameo.

Title: Heat
Author: jaimeykay
Tags: pneumonia, shower/bath sharing
Characters: Dean, Lisa, OFC
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa, Dean/OFC
Rating: R
Word-count: 4300
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean's prone to pneumonia. Five people take care of him in their own special way.
Reccer’s comments: Basically, five times someone takes care of Dean when he's sick. Only one of these features Lisa, but it's a very sweet scene.

Title: Between Heart and Soul
Author: icanhazpie
Tags: gunshot wound, emotional pain
Characters: Dean, Lisa, soulless!Sam
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1784
Spoilers: up to Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean, weak and lightheaded from blood loss, just wants to go home.
Reccer’s comments: This fic is a great portrait of how soulless!Sam collided with Dean's time at Lisa's, and of all the different kinds of pain this brought to Dean.

Title: Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight
Author: nwspaprtaxis
Tags: injury, emotional pain
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2071
Spoilers: up to Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: “I thought you promised you’d come back in one piece…” a voice says quietly, without judgment or recrimination, from behind him.
Reccer’s comments: The characterisation of Lisa feels like an extension of the woman I was so fond of in the show, with her patience and care for Dean, her capability to help him and to offer him something good, while not giving up herself and who she is.
Reccer’s comments II: In which Lisa is Dean’s shelter from the storm. Set after 6x02, this is an interesting time period to explore their relationship through fic, I think, but somewhat rare to find.

Title: Outside Looking In
Author: purple-carpets
Tags: injury, alcohol abuse, grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1400
Spoilers: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean is staying with Lisa. Sam is still dead and Dean is barely holding it together.
Reccer’s comments: Lisa must have been so patient and strong and brave during the missing year, balancing hope and care and self-protection. I like how this fic shows how hard it was for her as wells as for Dean.

Title: The Full Pause
Author: roque-clasique
Tags: sexual disfunction
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1476
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Pre-S6. The first time Dean asked Lisa what she did for a living, it felt like the punchline to the best joke ever told. Yoga teacher.
Reccer’s comments: This is beautifully written, and such a perfect capture of what Lisa could have been for Dean in the long run, and how painful and sad his situation was for him without Sam. Lisa is portrayed as calm and confident and caring. The connection from Dean and Lisa's first time to the present of the missing year creates a beautiful and sad full circle.
Reccer’s comments II: In which Lisa teaches Dean yogic breathing and everything is beautiful. <3 I like this not only because it’s wonderfully tender and hurty, but also because it deals with a topic most fic doesn’t - see the tags.

Title: The Sweetness And The Sorrow
Author: nwspaprtaxis
Tags: major injury, hospital, emotional pain, grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 4601
Spoilers: up to Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: She’s always known she’d get the phone call. That was the given.
Reccer’s comments: Even though this is written in an AU timeline, it could easily have been a part of what had happened between them. Lisa is shown as gentle and caring and strong, and Dean is able to accept comfort from her and tries to move on.

Title: Comfort
Artist: gassadaa
Tags: grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean/Lisa, post-s5. The early days (or nights) during their year. You know how Dean said in 6.01 that he was out of his head with grief in the beginning, nightmares all over the place? One of those moments, Lisa comforting him.
Reccer’s comments: This was done for a hoodietime challenge and it is just gorgeous. Dean's pain is heartwrenching as is Lisa's.
Reccer’s comments II: The first piece of Dean/Lisa fanart I came across, this one continues to make me so happyyyy. I adore the dark colouring, and how expressive their faces are, and of course Dean getting snuggled. A+++.

Title: The Cost of Living
Author: killabeez
Tags: suicidal thoughts, grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben, Sam, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa, Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word-count: 13k
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean made a promise he had no intention of keeping. Funny how that works.
Reccer’s comments: Covering quite a bit of time as Dean tries to adjust, this made me hurt so badly for Dean when I read it...but there is hope, too.
Reccer’s comments II: This is such a raw, beautiful look into Dean’s headspace post Swan Song. I’ve read a ton of lovely fics set during that time period, but this one still brought something very immediate and affecting to the table. I love how present Sam is in spirit, and how Dean’s love for him shines through everything. I love Lisa, and her constant compassion and strength and general awesomeness. I love how the ending makes me feel. I love everything. <333

Title: The Whiter Side of Pale
Author: etrix
Tags: angst, permanent disability
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1000
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean spends his days counting.
Reccer’s comments: Short, believable, and a gut-punch at the end.

Title: The Ghost in Bed with Them
Author: rainylemons
Tags: grief
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 2791
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Plot be damned. Angst. Smut. The end.
Reccer’s comments: Angsty smut.
Reccer’s comments II: PWP with a soul, this is languid, achy and sexy.

Title: contusio varians
Author: amonitrate
Tags: angst, PTSD
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: n/a
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: contusio varians: a bruise which waxes and wanes according to an unknown cycle.
Reccer’s comments: Three vignettes--the title means a bruise which waxes and wanes according to an unknown cycle.
Reccer’s comments II: IT IS JUST SO GOOD.

Title: Dark and Depressing
Author: monkeytwin
Tags: angst, PTSD
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: n/a
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: McG : Brad, this is a horror movie. -- BRAD : And who says horror has to be dark? It's sort of depressing, don't you think?
Reccer’s comments: It's an innocent kid's movie...Another one that really broke my heart.

Title: A Drop of Hope (in a Sea of Despair)
Author: catsintheattic
Tags: anxiety/panic attack, hell/post-hell issues
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1355
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: When has taking a bath ever been simply about taking a bath?
Reccer’s comments: A beautifully intimate scene with a very strong, calming Lisa who knows just what to do to bring Dean back down to earth. Dean's headspace is perfect here.

Title: arms of dazzling gold
Author: jaimeykay
Tags: mobility issues, permanent injury
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Sam, Ben, OCs
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 6100
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Lisa's family has long been wanting to meet the two men that Lisa took in five months ago. Her very large, nosy, loving family. When Lisa brings them over for Easter to meet the Braeden clan, they are pampered and loved and pampered some more.
Reccer’s comments: aka the fic where Sam and Dean get what they've always deserved in Lisa's family. The development of Dean and Lisa's relationship is sad yet lovely, but you'll leave with a smile on your face by the end.
Reccer’s comments II: Okay, this legit made me a little teary-eyed in several places, certain lines and Lisa's blatant AWESOMENESS and the fact that they get the happy ending they never thought they would. /creys in my eyes The whole thing is just so thoughtfully and warmly written.

Title: The Thrills, The Bills, The Pills That Kill and Every Fucking Saturday
Author: wave-obscura
Tags: emotional pain/hurt, permanent injury, mobility issues
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Sam, OCs
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13 + R
Word-count: 2100 + 2000
Spoilers: up to Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Lisa met him on the Fourth of July. She was drunk off her ass. and Sometimes he wanted to say it out loud, scream it, to all of them: you’re never going to replace Sam.
Reccer’s comments: These are part of a (beautiful!) ‘verse where Dean is permanent injured. These pieces feature a heartbreakingly and super-cool AU of Dean and Lisa’s relationship.

Title: Memories
Author: 27_jaredjensen
Tags: common cold, cough, fever, flu
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: n/a
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Ben and Dean get sick, Lisa takes care of them both.
Reccer’s comments: A lovely, sweet little sick!Dean piece, with caretaking!Lisa.

Title: Lipstick and Bruises
Author: breebree16 @ in_the_tree
Tags: injury (misc.)
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: n/a
Word-count: n/a
Spoilers: up to Season 6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Ben and Dean get sick, Lisa takes care of them both.
Reccer’s comments: It wouldn't be the first time he came home in stitches, barely being held together in the one piece he promised to return in.

Title: Rosary
Author: prufrock-26
Tags: grief, psychological issues
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: n/a
Word-count: 2599
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: Implied suicidal ideation.
Summary/Prompt: It's not like she thought everything was normal again. She just wasn't expecting -- this.
Reccer’s comments: In which Lisa finds something under her bed. I will never get tired of well-written post 5x22 fics like this, that explore the challenges she must have faced welcoming someone who’d been through what Dean had/has to live with her.
Reccer’s comments II: A beautiful look at the way Lisa is out of her depth in the first few weeks of Dean's stay with her. prufrock_26 has an absolutely gorgeous style that leaves me open-mouthed everytime.

Title: sketched on the barrel of my gun
Author: dime-for-12
Tags: psychological issues, grief
Characters: Dean, Sam, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean, hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 6000
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: None given.
Reccer’s comments: A different look at Dean and Lisa’s relationship post 5x22, that deals with how incredibly difficult it must have been for someone like Dean to live that kind of civilian life after the life he’d led before. Delicately, subtly written.

Title: Thermography
Author: ariadnes-string
Tags: fever, flu
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 1000
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Lisa had always loved the heat-loved saunas and hot tubs and long days at the beach-loved fooling around on August afternoons with the air conditioner off, just for the joy of the sweat-slicked slip and slide.
Reccer’s comments: Okay, so this was written for one of my prompts, and ft. one of my bulletproof kinks, but ariadnes_string writes some of the best h/c around and this is legit AWESOME. It captures a string of moments between Dean and Lisa when the angst was at a minimum and everything was porny and beautiful... uh, except for Dean’s raging fever, I suppose, but nobody here seems to mind that much. Muhahaha.

Title: Takotsubo
Author: el-spirito23
Tags: abandonment issues, anxiety/panic attack, depression, emotional pain/hurt, grief, heart attack, heart condition, hospitalization, mental breakdown, psychological damage/broken!dean, ptsd, someone helps dean, stress
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2372
Spoilers: up to Season 5/6
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: "Impressive, Winchester," she says. Dean smiles again, but now that she's closer Lisa can see that it's plastered on, and it doesn't reach his eyes, and he looks like he's gone weeks without sleeping. -- "I know," Dean answers. "I'm awesome." -- Lisa looks at him and wishes he believed that.
Reccer’s comments: This one is raw and real and it is most certainly not romantic. This is a very human, very doubting Lisa who, as much as she cares about Dean, wonders if she’s done the right thing. This is probably the closest to the flip-side I’ve read… where Lisa is left grappling and free-falling and trying to hold it all together. There is hurt!Dean, of course, and he kills, but it also has such a refreshing take on Lisa’s emotional state.

Title: Not Kids Anymore
Author: tifaching
Tags: alcoholism, depression, emotional pain/hurt, grief, someone helps dean
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG
Word-count: 1875
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: Dean plans a romantic dinner.
Reccer’s comments: This is another one that rings true to the relationship Dean and Lisa had - it is mature, steadfast, and above all, real. There is deep caring, here, and some seriously (implied) fantastic sex. This one is a unique take in which Dean is not irreparably damaged or hurt… rather he is pretty together and he does his best, in his own way, to show Lisa his gratitude and appreciation and, maybe, love.

Title: We Don't Live Here No More
Author: nwspaprtaxis
Tags: amputation/loss of limb function, exhaustion, hugs/cuddling, injury (misc./other/uncategorized), malnutrition, nausea/vomiting, permanent injury, psychological damage/broken!dean, psychological issues, psychological trauma, purgatory/post-purgatory issues, scars
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben, Sam
Genre/pairing: none
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 4103
Spoilers: up to Season 7
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: It's been more than a year since her memory's been screwed up by that car crash she doesn't remember. It's been more than a year since she's moved back to Cicero and patched together her life. Now, there's a naked guy on her front lawn who's clearly been through the wringer. And nothing adds up.
Reccer’s comments: This is breathtaking and heartbreaking, achey and beautiful. If fic like this gets written, I can almost stop being bitter about the mindwipe for a few minutes. And that this authors Lisa rocks is established, anyway. XD

Title: Simple Kind of Life
Author: twoskeletons
Tags: alcoholism, grief, hell/post-hell issues
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1600
Spoilers: up to Season 5
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Prompt: "I shouldn't need a fucking spell."
Reccer’s comments: Painful, bleak, and still ringing so true. OH, DEAN.

Rec contributers for this post include: nwspaprtaxis, mariahlee, tifaching, borgmama1of5, maypoles, catsintheattic, rbmi_fan, heavenli24, marlowe78, amonitrate, sandymg, doylescordy, biketest, juppschmitz, anon reccers and myself, geckoholic.

➽ This post was compiled by geckoholic and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

insecurities (misc./other/uncategorized), gunshot wound, psychological damage/broken!dean, mental breakdown, [pairing: dean/lisa], cough, [character: ben], suicidal ideation, hospitalization, pneumonia, heart condition, [setting: season 06], intoxication/altered state, [character: lisa], broken bone/fracture, [character: sam], nausea/vomiting, permanent injury, depression, [genre: het], blood-loss, ptsd, grief, sexual dysfunction, amnesia/memory loss, common cold, !recs, mental illness, heart attack, shower/bath sharing, flu, counseling/therapy, substance abuse (alcohol), dizziness/vertigo, dean's deal/making deals with demons, mobility issues, [pairing: dean/sam], psychological issues, &art/graphics (digital), [character: castiel], hungover, injury (misc./other/uncategorized), emotional pain/hurt, [genre: gen], [setting: season 07], dissociation/dissociative disorder, self-esteem issues, stress, [setting: season 05], [» swan song], [genre: slash], !rec search, addiction, exhaustion, alcoholism, fever, abandonment issues, &fic, [character: bobby], anxiety/panic attack

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