Fic: Tír na nÓg (Master post)

Aug 01, 2011 01:09

Tír na nÓg

a Supernatural fic by bellatemple
Art by 79chevyimpala
for spn_j2_bigbang

Rating: R for language, violence, and non-explicit sex
Word Count: ~50,000
Warnings/spoilers: References to deaths of children, general spoilers for season six. Takes place after 6x09, “Clap Your Hands If You Believe”
Pairing: Dean/Lisa
Summary: When Ben gets abducted by fairies, Dean heads out to get himself taken as well, hoping that he can locate Ben and bring him back. He quickly discovers he's in way over his head as the sidhe throw him in the dungeons. Meanwhile, back in the human world, Bobby has his hands full trying to keep the fairies from destroying the town, and a soulless Sam from blocking Dean and the Braedens' route home.

| Master Art Post |
| One: The Dungeon Master | Two: Braedens’ Heroes | Three: Riders on the Storm | Four: La Résistance | Five: Lay Your Claim |
| Notes and Credits |
Alternate formats (sans art):

rating: adult (non-explicit), length: multi-part (completed), type: fanfiction, challenge: spn_j2_bigbang, genre: action/adventure, fic: tir na nog, fandom: supernatural

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