Title: with the mouth of a goat Author: skiing_pelican Rating: PG-13 Genre: gen; strong Dean/Cas vibes, but it's intended gen. Characters: Dean, Cas, Sam Spoilers: spoilers through 7.23 Warnings: old!Dean, old!Cas, human!Cas; minor self-harm; hurt/comfort; angst; Word Count: 10500 total Teaser: sequel to remember, who we are.
[summary with spoilers for 7.23 and my story remember] Sam helps Dean and Cas with the aftermath of purgatory. A little time has passed and Sam had some time to figure out Dean. After a little breakfast date, Sam gets an idea on what to do with the two men who are to old and weak for hunting.
Authors note:
This is a sequel to my story remember, who we are. This is for all you nice readers on LiveJournal and Fanfiction.net who have chearleaded for it! This one took me a while to hatch out, but here we are! Of course, you need to read remember first to understand this fic. Remember is a coda to 7.23 that was written for the season 7 finale meme hosted by mad_server. This story is set three months after 7.23.
[A/N spoilery for remember] The things I wrote about the chubacabra are totally made up by me. The one dialog written in italics is spoken in Enochian. And I have no idea how long it takes to recover from malnutrition. My apologies if it's a little unrealistic.
And on a random note: I still have ideas for this trope. Ohmychuck, I didn't plan on writing a 7.23 coda at all, and now this might be turning into a verse! Maybe. If you reviewers think it's good enough to continue. My muse feels tired and empty right now.
Ps. the tags in this comm make this story seem much worse than it is!
Disclaimer: I own their grey streaks and wrinkles, but nothing more!