Fic: Here and Now

Jan 09, 2012 20:06

Title: Here and Now
Author: Callisto
Characters, Pairing: Robo!Sam/Dean
Genre Wincest
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1,500~
Spoilers: S6 AU
Disclaimer: Not mine sadly.
Notes: What if Sam never got his soul back and the years passed? Curtain fic of the future kind, this also has Dean with a permanent injury because it was written for roque_clasique in honour of her birthday.

Dean likes to have his first coffee of the day looking out the kitchen window. Depending on the night he’s had, it may be the only time he gets to stand brace-free, nodding at the neighbors and raising his mug at them like he’s part of it all.

Here and Now

&fic, [pairing: dean/sam], [genre: slash], [genre» other: domestic/curtain!fic], permanent injury, [setting: season 06]

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