Fic, Fic... and fic....

Nov 08, 2010 07:02

Clearly, someone should stop me before I go and ask for another card at hc_bingo - but I did have a lot of fun...

The first two (there's five total in this verse, but these are the only two that are mostly Dean Centric..) are from various comment fic memes here at hoodie_time

Title:  Get Away - Save Me Sioux Falls Verse #1
Prompt: Earth Blowing Up/Escaping to Space
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Save Me Sioux Falls is a four part fic in which Dean is suffering from amnesia and becomes separated from Sam and Castiel. This is the story of how he became parted from them in the first place.

Title:  Brick By Brick
Prompt: Fear of Heights - Coda to 'Silent Mockingbird
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: There's only a handful of things that Scout Winchester is afraid of. Heights is one of them.

Lost Year 'Verse: (taking place between the end of Season 5 and the start of Season 6)
Title:    Open Arms
Prompt: Grief
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: Lisa knows it's hard for Dean - and wishes there was more she could do to help. What she doesn't know is that he's grieving for two brothers, not just one.

The beginning and middle of a Dean/Cas verse...

Title: Cobwebs
Prompt: Cages
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: torture
Summary: Dean is in Hell - and doesn't know that a far off cry is actually freedom heading straight for him.

Title: While the Candle Still Burns
Prompt: dub-con
Medium: fic
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: dub-con, slash, graphic sex, bondage
Summary: Castiel didn't rebel against Heaven just to play nice with Dean.

And a wee!Chester verse - including my response to the Halloween challenge here:

Title: So Sad About Me
Prompt: rent boys/girls
Medium: fic
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: mentions of child abuse, child rape, disturbing images
Summary: One afternoon - John sent Dean to the store to get dinner - he wouldn't come back to his family for three years.

Title: Voodoo Shoppe
Prompt: stalkers/serial killers
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: torture, mild language
Summary: A double prompt fill - also written for nong_pradu's prompt: Dean gets kidnapped by witches on Halloween to be their ritual sacrifice.

[setting: season 04], sexual assault/abuse (dub-con), [pairing: dean/lisa], [pairing: dean/castiel], childhood trauma, missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), [genre: gen], [genre: slash], torture, [genre: het], grief, physical assault/abuse, &fic, amnesia/memory loss, [setting: pre-series], sexual assault/abuse (non-con)

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