fic: Black Turns to Red

Nov 07, 2010 19:42

Author: jaimeykay

Rating: R

Characters: Sam, Dean, Alastair, Castiel

Word Count: 5,500

Summary: “I recall hearing that word for thirty years. But you’ll give in. It’s part of you now, and it won’t let you go. And I’ve got all the time in the world to wait for you to realize that.”

Warnings: Language. Torture. Lots of gore. It's about Alastair, so you probably have a good idea about that.

Thanks: I had a lot of great people look this over for me, so thank you kalliel, sistabro, and autumn_lilacs for being good sports. Special thanks to the lovely twirlycurls for her amazing input and beta skills; without her I wouldn't have finished this. &hearts

Disclaimer: I don't own these guys.

A litte late, but it's for the anon who asked for this prompt.

Black Turn to Red

[setting: season 04], hallucinations/delusions, hell/post-hell issues, bed sharing, mental breakdown, blood-loss, &fic, emotional abuse, [genre: gen], self-harm

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