2 recent fics featuring mental illness/mentally ill!Dean (both gen)

Aug 04, 2010 21:41

This is a topic I'm interested in, and one I'm interested in seeing treated with care. I feel like the authors of these two fics do an amazing job with the subject matter, plus they're just A+ in general, so... rec-post time!

A bigger rec-post on this subject from back in November can be found here if you're looking, btw, and there's even more to be found in the tags.

The Mad Road by bellatemple
& accompanying art by apieceofcake
Author's notes/summary: Written for spn_j2_bigbang. On October 31st, 2005, Sam Winchester wakes up to find someone rummaging through his kitchen. It's his father, with bad news: his brother's dead, and the thing that killed him is coming to Palo Alto. Weeks later, Jo Harvelle follows a lead on her missing boyfriend to a mental health facility and meets a man, dressed in half-scrubs, half-flannel, with bandaged wrists and paranoid tendencies. His name is Dean Winchester, he knows more than he possibly could, and convincing his family he's not really dead would only be half their problem -- if Jo can help him find them... Spoilers through “Dark Side of The Moon.” Please read warnings at link. 47000 words. R, gen.

Reccer's notes: Whoah. This has got to be one of the most well-thought-out and plotted stories I’ve read in this fandom. It’s twisty and turny and compelling and just so CLEVER. I was so impressed by how awesome and smart it was I actually had this look on my face when I finished reading it: :-o True story, bro.

Mental illness is in the background only for parts of this fic, fyi, which I actually really appreciate. It deals with all of Dean’s issues in a nice, subtle way.

And apieceofcake’s art goes beautifully with the story. The colouring is pretty-pretty, and I haven't had a chance to check out that many Big Bangs this year, but I already know she and bellatemple have made this one of my all-around favourite Big Bangs of 2010.

Tags: drugs (psychiatric), hospitalization (psychiatric), mental illness, self-harm, sleepwalking, suicide attempt, supernatural injury/trauma

Out of All the Hours by ratherastory
Author's notes/summary: Sometimes, the monsters are all in your head. Warnings: Mental illness, non-graphic descriptions of self-harm. 7,018 words. Pre-series gen.

Reccer's notes: This is one of the best, most realistic fics I’ve read about mental illness. The subject matter is handled with care and respect, and incorporated into the SPN universe very organically. Also, teen!Sam's POV is perfection.

Tags: bipolar disorder, hospitalization (psychiatric), mental illness, psychotic break, self-harm

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suicide/suicide attempt, drugs (psychiatric), sleepwalking, &fic, bipolar disorder, [setting: season 01], hospitalization (psychiatric), [genre: gen], psychosis, supernatural injury/trauma, self-harm, !recs, [setting: pre-series], mental illness

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