Aug 26, 2003 19:35
Did anyone here know that there's an entire group of ficcers who glorify the men of BtVS/AtS at the expense of the women? A few actual plots:
--Buffy's a psychotic bitch who keeps her friends and family whipped and terrified of her until Ethan Rayne (who's really a nice guy) frees them from her iron grip. He's a total Stu in this fic, Ripper's lover (forget that stodgy old Giles), and a healer who absorbs the pain Buffy inflicts on her friends. Did I mention she threatens to *rape* Giles? Yeah. Even Snyder is a model of compassion in this fic! Plus, it and the sequel involve an "Ultimate Slayer" who's a man and somehow connected with the world of "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys." If you smell Stu cooking, you're very right.
And to think I thought BtVS was about *female* empowerment . . .
--Same author, different tale: this time, it's Wesley who's the Stu in an X-Men crossover. He's Giles son (!), a more powerful telepath than Prof. X or Jean Gray (!!), Jean herself is the villain (!!!), and Spike turns out to be the Vampire King (!!!!) (whatever the hell that is). Did I mention more woman-bashing and a Xander-Stu? Buffy and Willow are completely useless, Cordy is regressed back to her shallowest Sunnydale days--not one woman comes out well.
--Finally, a story I really wish was a parody, but isn't. Again, Ethan is a sweetie who'd never hurt anyone, and also Giles' lover. Buffy and Willow are shallow sluts who force Xander to do their homework, and Giles hates them both but puts up with Buffy because of a prophecy. Xander, naturally, is the most intelligent of all of them and a total Stu except for the part where he's a wimp who lets Buffy and Willow (or the Suvian golems masquerading as them) bully him. BUT he's also Angelus' son and Spike's brother! In other words, it's just like the Buffyverse, only not.
All of these fics are m/m slash, naturally ('cause who'd want to sleep with icky girls?). Most of them involve a vampire/human pair in which the human is the vampire's True Mate (one truly annoying fanon bunny). And some of them, just to render women completely obsolete, involve mpreg.
Also, they're all purportedly written by female authors.
I ranted a while ago about violating the spirit of the Buffyverse. These do that. They take the premise--that the little blonde isn't a whimpering victim, but a kickass warrior and hero in her own right--tie it down, violate it grotesquely, and leave it for dead. If these are indeed written by women, I have to wonder if they truly hate their own gender as much as they seem to. Are they completely unaware of what they're doing?
ranting and/or raving