*16; text

Nov 15, 2009 23:45

My sword is finally finished. Sharpened. Ready for a battle.
I’ve felt a bit faint lately however doing something has brought me back.

It seems quite a few frequencies have been going out…

Is anyone out there feeling up to a spar? Nothing serious, just hand-to-hand.
I’m afraid since I’m still chipped I am not at my peak, but still, I believe it’s about time I started training once again.

[OOC; Goodness. Sorry for being away for what seems like such a long time, guys. Life got crazy chaotic with a bit of a reality dose. But this is Angeal finding out Genesis’ frequency is gone, barely touching on the subject. What a man;;]

vanishing frequencies, the other minato, ready for a fight, sephiroth, sword finished, starting to wear, genesis gone?

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