New Group Runs and Updates

Sep 19, 2013 12:24

Hey gang

Rather than bombard the forum with a bunch of separate posts I'm consolidating all of the updates and New Group Runs on the table in this one post. If you're on a run or want to see what's coming please read on.

More Pics and Info

Group Runs Wrapping up:

**Tom Baker Season 14 Shirt Run.

These wrapped back in July. All but 1 of these had been shipped out to their owners. The final one is waiting to go out with another shirt. If people are interested in a Second run Please let me know and I'll start a list.

**Tom Baker City of Death Painter's Palette Brooch Run

These wrapped this week. I have sent out 11 of the Brooches to thier owners, 1 awaits to go out with an Umbrella and the final 6 need to follow up on shipping. If you're one of those folks and you haven't gotten my emails please contact me. Due to the nature of these we won't be offering a follow up run but we *will* offer these as made-to-order pieces for those who missed out.

On Coat

Final Pin


**Matt Smith Series 6 & 7 Shirts Run


Mauve stripe



These wrapped earlier in Sept. all but 2 have been shipped out. Hireatardis needs to be in touch with me about those. Thanks to the work of Risu and E-wan on thier spoonflower recreations we can now have made virtually all of the Season 7b shirt options now as well as the 4 we did before. A 2nd run list is already mounting for those who missed out.

Shirts available for the 2nd S6/S7 11th Doctor run:

Windowpane/Christmas Carol
Mauve Stripe/Utah/Impossible Astronaut
Grey Stripe/Hide
Fine Stripe/Bells of St John
White on Blue Stripe/Nightmare in Silver
Fine Stripes on Blue/Journey & Cold War
Multicolor stripe on White/Crimson & Rings

2nd Run list:
1. Ull dar Borealis (RPF) Windowpane Shirt 3XL
2. Chronos (GB) Hide Shirt Small
3. thorneyboy (GB) Bells Med
4. Seventh doctor fan (GB) Mauve Stripe/Utah Med
5. Pikmin (GB) Hide Med
6. adam_e (GB) Bells Large
7. adam_e (GB) Rings/Crimson Large

**7th Doctor Umbrella Run Round 7 -

The first half of this shipped in Mid-August. The 2nd Half has just shipped out by early October. From Now On future umbrellas will be made ahead of time and sold a few at a time.

1. Fengorilli (Prydon) PAID SHIPPED
3. The Valeyard (GB) PAID SHIPPED
5. Sutekhsgift (GB) PAID SHIPPED
6. Kellswater (GB) PAID SHIPPED
7. dcf104 (GB) PAID SHIPPED
8. suitandtieguy (dw_cosplay) PAID SHIPPED
9. Orinoco72905 (dwcosplay) PAID SHIPPED
10. C. Andrew Nelson (GB) PAID SHIPPED
12. pcfcassell (GB) PAID SHIPPED
13. Oliver Bell (prydon) PAID SHIPPED
14. Electrikablue (dwcosplay) PAID SHIPPED
15. id1113 (GB) PAID SHIPPED
16. Kkopacki (prydon) PAID SHIPPED
18. Shrivenzale (dwcosplay) PAID SHIPPED
19. Aubrey W. (ref) PAID SHIPPED
20. pauldn (Prydon) PAID SHIPPED
21. Lisa DH (FB) PAID Pending
22. Pirogoeth (prydon) PAID SHIPPED
23. Whispersecho (ref) PAID SHIPPED
24. Heart of Dorkness (GB) PAID SHIPPED
25. Richard H. (FB) PAID SHIPPED
26. trackboy13 (GB) PAID SHIPPED
27. scstevers (dwcosplay) PAID
28. Ledosian (GB) PAID Pending
29. mkopelke (GB) PAID Peding
30. Paul H. (dwcosplay) PAID SHIPPED
31. son_Pan (dwcosplay) PAID SHIPPED
32. Dr seven (Pryson) PAID SHIPPED

Current Group Runs collecting:

**Tom Baker Season 12 Shirt Run

These are possible if we manage a minimum of 10 people (and a max of 25 people per run).

Current List:
Updating: some drops, adds and paid. Deadline has passed but I've given two guys til the 23rd or so so any last min add-ons still welcome.

1. timelord25 (GB) L Confirmed PAID
2. bigfinishfan (GB) S Confirmed PAID
3. adam_e (GB) L Confirmed PAID
4. Ulll Dar Borealis (GB) 3XL Confirmed PAID
5. rawlszilla (Prydon) 2XL Confirmed ???
6. Biermeister (Prydon) 2XL Confirmed PAID FULL
7. ssshunt (dwcosplay/FB) XL Confirmed Payment due Oct 11th
8. Nic Neidenbach (FB/dwcosplay) 2XL Confirmed PAID
9. Art P. (Ref) M Confirmed Payment due Oct 11th
10. darthbono71 (GB) - 3XL Confirmed ????
11. bgorman93 (dwcosplay) L confirmed Payment due Oct 11th
12. Tammy M. (FB) 3XL Confirmed PAID
13. Davy (GB) 4XL Confirmed Payment extension Due oct. 23rd

Okay I'm setting a deadline of Oct 11th for payment. $145.00 each. If you want a quote with shipping let me know otherwise this can be paid upon completion of the shirts. Turnaround is approx. 4-6 weeks. Can take add ons until then.

Group Runs taking interest:

**6th Doctor Sonic Lance Run:

So something that's been on my drawing board for many months to complete the collection of various Sonics out there is the 6th Doctor's Sonic lance as seen in Attack of the Cybermen.

This is mostly to see if there's enough interest to warrant this but right now it's likely a replica would be sculpted, molded and cast in resin and then hand painted with a working interior light. If an upgrade to a metal version or the possibility of sound comes on the cards I'll update accordingly though it may affect price. Right now expect these to run around $85 USD each. We're looking for 25-30 minumum. No max.

Shipping TBD on location and shipping preference. Once all the funds are in there should be 6-8 week turnaround.

1. Timelord25
2. Aubrey W. (ref)
3. uldarborealis (GB)
4. Pikmin (GB)
5. Mark Anthony Quested (GB)
6. Chronos (GB)
7. Terrasolo (GB)
8. Frax owen (GB)
9. TheValeyard (GB)
10. sanman (GB)
11. Alanc (GB)
12. Morethanatimelord (GB)
13. Too Many Cars (RPF)
14. Fourth Heir (GB)
15. The next Doctor (RPF)
16. drjon (GB)
17. Paulio (Prydon)
18. moshpitavenger (dwcosplay)

**7th Doctor paisley Scarf Run

I'm carrying over the current interest from Gallifrey Base for now. expect the Cost to be $45-$50 each. These will be printed either on dull silk or light cotton- depending on what gives best color and drape. Shipping TBD on your location and shipping preference. We'll offer these in a few size lengths for taller or shorter people can chose what fits them best.

Expect a prototype soon and from there we'll be collecting funds for late Sept/early Oct deadline with a 4 week turnaround.

1. phardwick (GB)
2. C. Andrew nelson (GB)
3. Ul dar Borealis (GB)
4. Leodosian (GB)
5. Herr_doktor (GB)
6. Kellswater (GB)
7. Pursuit (GB)
8. Pursuit Friend #1 (GB)
9. Pursuit Friend #2 (GB)
10. buslady (GB)
11. Sanman (GB)
12. AC Rempt (GB)
13. Kristableez (GB)
14. shakeyspear (GB)
15. darthbono71 (GB)
16. adam_e (GB)
17. pikmin (GB)
18. pcfcassell (GB)
19. sparky76 (GB)
20. Jokerman (RPF)
21. venusianlullaby (GB)
22. seventh doctor fan (GB)
23. alanc (GB)
24. cymroglan (GB)
25. TheValeyard (GB)
26. sanman #2 (GB)
27. fierceturtle (GB)
28. Dr Seven (prydon)
29. Aaron/ Col Barker (FB/GB)
30. son_Pan (dwcosplay)
31. Richard Houlding (FB)
32. UFO (RPF)
33. doctorwholittle (Dwcosplay)

**5th Doctor Celery Run

For those interested in a piece of Fake celery for thier 5th doctor costumes (or regular wear if that's how you want to show off your fandom) I'm looking into a custom version version with wondersquid.

We will likely offer this with embedded pin in the back saftey pin style or flat for you to use mounting or toupe tape of your choice. This will be sculpted, molded and then cast in foam for the stalk, the leaves probably a backed latex and then painted.

Price depends a bit on the final numbers but we want to aim for $40 USD each but could go as high as $65. The more people who sign up the more we can keep costs down.

Will post protoype pics when we're ready.

4-6 week turnaround.

1. marylennox (GB)
2. Dave ward (GB)
3. C. Andrew Nelson (GB)
4. adam_e (GB)
5. Mr. jobel (GB)
6. thebunnyinthetardis (GB)
7. nightsky (GB)
8. phardwick (GB)
9. Pikmin (GB)
10. Archon (GB)
11. Pansentient Hegemony (GB)
12. Nodalep (GB)
13. TheValeyard (tenative) (GB)
14. Alanc (GB)
15. ronpurflaUSA (GB)
16. sparky76 (GB)
17. Mark Anthony Quested (GB)
18. britgeekgirl (dwcosplay)
19. sapper36 (RPF)

**2nd Doctor floppy collar Shirt Run

These are possible if we manage a minimum of 10 people (and a max of 25 people per run).

Current List:
[B]1. saltheref (GB) Large
2. adam_e (GB) Large Ocnfirmed PAID
3. An Exit Strategy (GB) Med Confirmed
4. doctorpancakes (dwcosplay) XS
5. Tom G. (ref) XL
6. Aubrey W. (ref) Large Confirmed
7. Loomborn (prydon) Large
8. Jim T. (GB) Med Confirmed

Trying to to push this one through despite being one shy. (add ons still welcome) Nov 8th is the deadline.

1 drop, 1 Paid. But we'll push this one through with whoever stays on.
Deadline is set for Nov 8th.

Price approximate at $115 for the white and $135 for the blue. We can combine both to make ten. Shipping TBD on buyer's location and preference.

**4th Doctor Safari Hacking Jacket Limited Run

So I've had a couple requests to make replicas of the 4th Doctors Red Cord Hacking/Safari Jacket from Season 12 & 13. I've looked into it based on my own jacket while also making a few corrections to the pattern that was missed when mine was made 5 years ago and it's feasible but not cheap.

This would require a minimum of 10 sign ons and a max of 12. Cost will be about $450-$500 USD range each.

Jacket would come with functional pockets, baggy fit, elbow patches- etc etc. Main sizes would be S-XL, Larger and smaller sizes will need an extra patterning fee of $25.

1. Jason C. (FB) - Small
2. Ull dar Borealis (GB) 3XL
3. Pikmin (GB) L
4. wanglais (GB) XL
5. Andrew R./Rawlszilla (Pry) 2XL
6. Alex Murphy (FB) After Xmas Payment plan
7. Kris/Biermaster (FB) After Xmas Payment plan
8. Darren Wells (FB) 3XL

**7th Doctor Question Mark Sweater Run Round 3

Due to a lot background demand I'm formally starting a list for a 3rd run of Question Mark Pullovers as worn by the 7th Doctor. Like the previous run they will be available in sizes LB, XS- 4XL. They will be made of 100% acrylic yarn and dyed to match the original sweater in colors and made nearly identical to the original pattern (allowing for size issues of course).

They have functional pockets and the full pattern repeat on the rear side.

Cost estimated still be at approx. $110 USD each. Shipping TBD on your address/service desired. Turnaround is 8-12 weeks form time of invoicing at the knitters.

This is an interest list for the time being as it takes 150 people to get this going so be patient. So if you're signing on please shoot me your name, size, mailing address and email address (crucial as I need to update people when we get closer!).

Size list:
LB = 34" Chest
XS = 36" Chest
S = 38" Chest
M = 40" Chest
L = 42" Chest
XL = 44" Chest
2XL = 46" Chest
3XL = 48" Chest
4XL = 50" Chest

Pics from the previous run:

1. Lunatykdoctor (dwcosplay) XL
2. Orinoco72905 (dwcosplay) XL
3. Orinoco72905 (dwcosplay) XL #2
4. Thomas Allison #1 (ref) L ?
5. Thomas Allison #2 (ref) XL?
6. Thomas Allison #3 (Black and White) L? (Ref)
7. Prince Knight (Ref) ?
8. Gene Fender (Ref) XXL
9. Adam lonsdale (FB) ?
10. 2_000 Man (GB) L Tenative
11. Will Gillies ( FB/GB) 4XL
12. Gumbo Book (FB) ?
13. Pikmin (GB) M
14. doctorpancakes (dwcosplay) LB
15. Praedestinatio (dwcosplay) B&W XS or LB
16. Purpleblancmage (GB) XS tenative
17. RadioWayne (RPF) 4XL
18. Oblivion (GB) XS
19. Mrjaysmall (dwcosplay) Small
20. Shaun O'Brien (dwcosplay) 4XL ?
21. Caroline Payne (dwcosplay ) 2XL
22. GalacticProbe (dwcosplay) Small
23. Tamara #2 (GB) M
24. Companion Jess (GB) Large
25. tardistender (GB) Large
26. ssshunt (dwcosplay) Large
27. everystarrfall (dwcosplay) Small
28. notnowace(prydon) 3XL
29. Fabio O. (Facebook) 2XL
30. Onbu7 (prydon) XL
31. Beck Smith (dwcosplay) XL
32. dcf104 (GB) Small
33. ACrempt (GB) 4XL
34. Sono Luminus (GB) 4XL tenative
35. Nic Manuel (dwcosplay) 3XL
36. feistmeister76 (GB) XL
37. Bleanard Town suarez (dwcosplay/FB) XS
38. Grant Arran wallace (dwcosplay/FB) Large
39. segnemdj (prydon) Med
40. Mark Lincoln/Tohoscope (FB/GB) Med
41. Richard Houlding (FB) 4XL
42. Rysyphus (dwcosplay) Large
43. Tom_Auton (GB) Small
44. Gazza77 (dwcosplay) XS
45. scstevers (dwcosplay) 4XL
46. freshtunafish (dwcosplay) Large
47. Alan F P (dwcosplay FB) ?
48. buslady (GB) XL
49. Raven_Wyld (dwcosplay) Large
50. Michelf (dwcosplay) XL
51. Ashley Wiggs (dwcosplay) 2XL
52. Emmet McGowan (dwcosplay) 4XL
53. Mkopelke #1 (GB) 2Xl
54. Mkopelke #2 (GB) 3XL

I also have a couple overstock color and B&W sweaters available right now as well.

B&W version

Repeat runs that can happen if interest happens:

**8th Doctor vest Fabric Run Round 4:

Always happy to do another run of TVM Mcgann waistcoat fabric. 25 yard minimum. about $49 1st yard. $20 each additional yard. 6 week turnaround.

**5th Doctor S19 Sweater Run Round 8:

Always happy to do another run of Season 19/20 Davison Cricket Sweaters. 25 unit minimum. about $110 each. 8 week turnaround.

1. Meddyg Pwy Cymru (GB) Large

**4th Doctor Season 18 Question Mark Shirts Round 3

Happy to take interest in another run of these. $150 each. 10 minimum.

**4th Doctor Season 13 Waistcoat check fabric Round 2

Happy to take interest in another run. 10 yard minimum. otherwise I have a couple of spare yards for sale. I also have largde scraps for Shada Scarf patches. $88.50 per yard or $15 for scraps.
A Full waistcoat can be made for $250.

Drawing Board:

**4th Doctor S18 Waistcoat fabric - This one has been on the drawing board for several months. Putitng the pattenr on hold til I conquer the two ton quality of the velvet and so far have not been pleased with the tests. But I'll keep at it and update if/when I'm ready to go. expect roughly the same cost as the S13 Fabric for now ($80-$90). Feel free to let me know if you have interest though.

Season 18 Waistcoat fabric Interest:
1. Adam_e (GB)
2. hidden-place (GB)
3. bobj (GB)
4. Ull Dar Borealis (GB)
5. fierceturtle (GB)
6. purpleblancmage (GB)
7. trevor 22a (GB)
8. 2_000 man (GB)
9. alanc (GB)
10. karalcana (rpf)
11. wanglais (GB)
12. doctorron (GB)
13. Nth Doctor (GB)
14. Darthbono71 (GB)
15. loomborn (prydon)
16. Risu (GB) tenative
18. sparky76 (GB)
19. darthbono71 (GB)

**4th Doctor S12 Neckerchief Run - Risu is tweaking things from the last run and while magnoli may end up doing these I am running a few tests to try to update the colors. If this become sa go as a ful new run I'll post here but if you have interest in one for the $0-$40 range then please let me know.

**4th Doctor S12 Argyle Cardigan - The knitters who do the daciason sweaters are game to do this but it requires 150 unit minimum. So this is unlikely to happen as don't see it being that popular. looking into lower volume sweater makers now. Magnoli may still take up the baton as well but in the meantime if there's interest in one for the $100 or less range please let me know.

**9th Doctor Green Seam V neck sweater - same as the Caridgan. Though buying green donor sweaters and modifying them might be the way to go here. But if interested give me a shout.

If you have any questions or wish to sign on to a run please comment or PM me with your info and email. thanks!


seven, accessories, umbrellas, six, group purchasing, four, fabric, eleven, shirt, sweater, vest, five, nine

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